During Kepler’s time the ephemerides of the longitude of Mars were mainly calculated using the Alfonsine and the Prutenic tables. The error in the prediction of the longitudes was usually about 2 degrees for both, but in some critical situations, it could reach 5 degrees (in singular catastrophic events, as Owen Gingerich labeled them). Kepler’s Rudolphine tables diminish the error to just minutes of arc. Kepler introduced three novelties, all improving Mars’ predictions: 1) he made the orbits elliptical (first law), 2) he replaced the equant point by the area law (second law), and, finally 3) he bisected the orbit of the Earth. James Voelkel and Gingerich analyzed the degree of responsibility that each of Kepler’s novelties has in the improvement of the predictions of Mars’ longitude and suggest that while around 0.5 degree of the error is solved introducing the first two laws, the remaining around 4.5 degrees disappear once you introduce the bisection of the orbit of the Earth. In this paper I will argue that the distribution of the responsibility is actually different: while 0.5 degree must be attributed to the first two laws, only another 0.5 must be attributed to the bisection of the eccentricity of the Earth, and the remaining around 4 degrees are due to an error in the longitude of the apogee. There is evidence that Tycho and Longomontanus had a correct value of the longitude of the apogee before Kepler’s arrival to work with them in Prague. Therefore, it was Tycho and not Kepler who solved the main part of the catastrophe of Mars, even if not the most difficult one.
Ferguson, Kitty;
Tycho and Kepler: The Unlikely Partnership That Forever Changed Our Understanding of the Heavens
Swerdlow, N. M.;
Tycho, Longomontanus, and Kepler on Ptolemy's Solar Observations and Theory, Precession of the Equinoxes, and Obliquity of the Ecliptic
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The Tychonic Method for Calculating the Ratio between the Eccentricities of Mars
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Longomontanus’ Model for the Longitudes of Mars
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Gonzalo L. Recio;
Tycho Brahe’s Appendix ad Observationes anni 1593 and the date of Brahe’s theory of Mars, the prototype for Kepler’s vicarious hypothesis
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Stars as the Armies of God: Lansbergen's Incorporation of Tycho Brahe's Star-size Argument into the Coperncican Theory
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The Origins and Legacy of 'Kepler's Gap'
Gingerich, Owen;
Voelkel, James R.;
Tycho and Kepler: Solid Myth versus Subtle Truth
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The Phoenix and the Architect: The Frontispiece of Kepler's "Tabulae Rudolphinae"
Patricia Radelet-de-Grave;
La chute des corps, le mouvement des corps célestes et l'unification des mondes
Gonzalo L. Recio;
A Marvellous Connection: Longomontanus’ Battle With the Latitudes of Mars
Essay Review
Gabriele Coradeschi;
Impresa scientifica e Respublica Litterarum: il caso Tycho Brahe
Peter Andersen;
De la devise de Bruno à la mort de Tycho Brahe
Mosley, Adam;
Bearing the Heavens: Tycho Brahe and the Astronomical Community of the Late Sixteenth Century
Fara, Patricia;
Tycho Brahe: Emperor of Hven and the Heavens
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Andrea Gualandi;
L'astronomo e il filologo, l'onore e le fonti: Keplero arbitro nella sfida tra Tycho e Ursus
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Trying Ursus: A Reappraisal of the Tycho-Ursus Priority Dispute
Jardine, Nicholas;
Segonds, Alain Philippe;
La guerre des astronomes: la querelle au sujet de l'origine du système géo-héliocentrique à la fin du XVIe siècle
Carolino, Luís Miguel;
The Making of a Tychonic Cosmology: Cristoforo Borri and the Development of Tycho Brahe's Astronomical System
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Underdetermination and Decomposition in Kepler's Astronomia Nova
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