Megan Blair (Author)
Access to birth control and abortion was a contentious issue for university students throughout the 1960s and 1970s. Despite liberalized legislation regarding access to contraception and abortion, young, single women were often limited in their ability to access contraception. In response to this, university students initiated programs on campus in attempts to promote safe and accessible methods of contraception. This article examines birth control and abortion policy and activism at the University of Waterloo and Waterloo Lutheran University. Through an analysis of the student newspapers at both universities, this article illustrates the ways in which students lobbied their universities and initiated their own organizations to further women’s access to contraceptive services. A case study of these universities illuminates the different experiences of two schools within the same community and considers the impact that religion and university administration can have on student activism.
Gawin, Magdalena;
The Sex Reform Movement and Eugenics in Interwar Poland
Sommer, Matthew H.;
Abortion in Late Imperial China: Routine Birth Control or Crisis Intervention?
Darshi Thoradeniya;
Birth Control Pill Trials in Sri Lanka: The History and Politics of Women’s Reproductive Health (1950–1980)
Necochea López, Raúl;
Gambling on the Protestants: The Pathfinder Fund and Birth Control in Peru, 1958--1965
May, Elaine Tyler;
America and the Pill: A History of Promise, Peril, and Liberation
Klepp, Susan E.;
Revolutionary Conceptions: Women, Fertility, and Family Limitation in America, 1760--1820
Felitti, Karina A.;
El debate médico sobre anticoncepción y aborto en Buenos Aires en los años sesenta del siglo XX
Demirci, Tuba;
Somel, Selçuk Aksin;
Women's Bodies, Demography, and Public Health: Abortion Policy and Perspectives in the Ottoman Empire of the Nineteenth Century
Hughes, Richard Lowry;
Tangled Up in the Sixties: Progressive Activism and the Anti-Abortion Movement
Solinger, Rickie;
Reproductive Politics: What Everyone Needs to Know
Jonathon L. Earle;
Political Activism and Other Life Forms in Colonial Buganda
Moore, Francesca;
“Go and See Nell; She'll Put You Right”: the Wisewoman And Working-Class Health Care in Early Twentieth-Century Lancashire
Usborne, Cornelie;
Cultures of Abortion in Weimar Germany
Barna Szamosi;
Medical decisions influenced by eugenics: Hungarian gynecological practices during the 1910s
Laura Kelly;
The Contraceptive Pill in Ireland c.1964–79: Activism, Women and Patient–Doctor Relationships
Paterson, John L.;
Institutional Organisation, Stewardship, and Religious Resistance to Modern Agricultural Trends: The Christian Farmers' Movement in the Netherlands and in Canada
Silies, Eva-Maria;
Verhütung als Mittel gegen Bevölkerungswachstum. Expertendiskussion und öffentliche Debatten in Westdeutschland in den 1960er Jahren
Rodríguez-Ocaña, Esteban;
Ignaciuk, Agata;
Ortiz-Gómez, Teresa;
Ovulostáticos y anticonceptivos. El conocimiento médico sobre “la píldora” en España durante el franquismo y la transición democrática (1940--1979)
Prescott, Heather;
The Pill at Fifty: Scientific Commemoration and the Politics of American Memory
Christopher ChoGlueck;
Still no pill for men? Double standards & demarcating values in biomedical research
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