Book ID: CBB398824190

Psychoanalysis and Society's Neglect of the Sexual Abuse of Children, Youth and Adults: Re-addressing Freud's Original Theory of Sexual Abuse and Trauma (2021)


This book takes a comprehensive look at the understanding and treatment of child sexual abuse in psychoanalytic theory and practice, and in society as a whole. This book will demonstrate how prophetic Ferenczi's ideas about sexual abuse and trauma were, and how relevant they are for contemporary psychoanalysis and society. Sexual abuse, its traumatic effect and the harm caused to children, youth, and adults will be described in the neglect of confronting sexual abuse by psychoanalysis and society. This neglect will be discussed in chapters about the abuse of children by religious leaders, students by teachers, youth in sports by coaches, and aspiring actors by authorities in the entertainment industry. It covers key topics such as why there has been silence about abuse in psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic theories and practices that can be counterproductive or even harmful, case studies of abuse in the wider community, and how psychoanalysis as a profession can do better in its understanding and treatment of child sexual abuse both in psychoanalytic treatment and in its interaction with other parts of society. This book will appeal to all psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic psychotherapists, as well as scholars interested the history of psychoanalysis.

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Authors & Contributors
Crews, Frederick C.
Harris, Adrienne
Hoffman, Leon
Le Rider, Jacques
Likierman, Meira
Lui, Lydia H.
Asclepio: Archivo Iberoamericano de Historia de la Medicina
History of Psychiatry
French Historical Studies
Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences
Psychoanalysis and History
Science as Culture
distributed by Scholars' Press
Metropolitan Books
Presses Universitaires de France
Rape; sexual violence
Sexual behavior
Freud, Sigmund
Bowlby, John
Klein, Melanie
Starobinski, Jean
Time Periods
20th century
21st century
19th century
20th century, late
20th century, early
18th century
United States
Barcelona (Spain)
World Health Organization (WHO)

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