Article ID: CBB397427835

Surviving the 1970s: The Case of Friends of the Earth (April 2017)


Whereas scholars have thoroughly deconstructed the myth that so-called mainstream environmentalism was born of the first Earth Day in April 1970, we have just begun to explore what happened in the decade following. This article provides a much needed intervention into the scholarship on environmental politics in the 1970s by examining the activities of Friends of the Earth (FOE) in its long first decade (1969–1984). Founded in 1969, FOE synthesized concerns with environmental degradation, human welfare, and democracy into an aggressive political agenda. By the mid-1980s, it had replaced its original critique of corporate capitalism and government intransigence with a pragmatic and reformist analysis that held the central form of political action to be a citizen s petitioning of the state. FOE's development during its long first decade demonstrates the deliberate and contentious choices by which mainstream environmentalism emerged as a coherent political practice. While these choices have often been taken as a natural or inevitable response to the Reagan administration s assault on environmental protections, FOE's history demonstrates that these choices were far from inevitable and came at a high cost for mainstream environmentalism's relationship with grassroots political participation.

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Authors & Contributors
Avenell, Simon
Bevington, Douglas
Bryan, William D.
Doyle, Timothy
Jundt, Thomas
Longhurst, James Lewis
Environmental History
Environment and History
Journal of American History
Minerva: A Review of Science, Learning and Policy
Cambridge University Press
Oxford University Press
University of California, Santa Cruz
Rowman & Littlefield
Rutgers University Press
Political activists and activism
Science and politics
Environmental degradation
Social movements
Brower, David
Time Periods
20th century, late
20th century
21st century
United States
North Carolina (U.S.)
West Germany
East Germany
Pennsylvania (U.S.)
Sierra Club
Tennessee Valley Authority
Friends of the Earth

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