M. E. Özel (Author)
E. Budding (Author)
It has been said that the Venus transit of 24 May 1032 was observed by Ibn Sina and recorded among his written output. This was critically evaluated by Goldstein (1969), who demurred on the claim. However, Kapoor's (2013) thorough review has shown that Ibn Sina could well have observed this event, giving rise to an ongoing interest in the geocentric versus heliocentric discussion, such as was picked up by Nasr ad-Din Tusi and others. This eventually culminated in the general acceptance of the Copernican world-system. We reconsider the special circumstances of the reported discovery and show that Ibn Sina indeed could have observed the event, with a discussion of its significance along the way to a Sun-centered world.
S. Mohammad Mozaffari;
The Orbital Elements of Venus in Medieval Islamic Astronomy: Interaction Between Traditions and the Accuracy of Observations
K. Rupa;
S.K. Uma;
Padmaja Venugopal;
S. Balachandra Rao;
References to 'Parallel Phenomenon’ in Indian Astronomy and Inscriptions
Feist, Ulrike;
Sonne, Mond und Venus: Visualisierungen astronomischen Wissens im frühneuzeitlichen Rome
Gamini, Amir Mohammad;
The Venus Transit and the Order of the Planets in Islamic Hay'a Works
Sellers, David;
The Transit of Venus: The Quest to Find the True Distance of the Sun
John C. Barentine;
Mystery of the Ashen Light of Venus: Investigating a 400-Year-Old Phenomenon
Kapoor, R. C.;
Indian Astronomy and the Transits of Venus. 2: The 1874 Event
Schaefer, Bradley E.;
The Transit of Venus and the Notorious Black Drop Effect
Kapoor, R. C.;
Indian Astronomy and the Transits of Venus. 1: The Early Observations
Pedersen, Kurt Møller;
Kragh, Helge;
The Phantom Moon of Venus, 1645--1768
Orchiston, Wayne;
The 1874 Transit of Venus: New Zealand's First Foray into International Astronomy
Orchiston, Wayne;
Exploring the History of New Zealand Astronomy: Trials, Tribulations, Telescopes and Transits
Han, Qi;
Science, Knowledge, and Power: Observations of the Shadows of the Sun and the Kangxi Emperor's Role in the Calendrical Reform
Kleinert, Andreas;
“De macula in sole observata” -- Über eine nicht existierende Schrift Keplers und ein falsch übersetztes Zitat
Sylvie Taussig;
Vrai et faux Soleil(s) chez Gassendi
Sajjad Nikfahm;
Fateme Savadi;
Naṣīr al-Dīn Muḥammad al-Ṭūsī al-Risāla al-Muʿīniyya (al-Risāla al-Mughniya) and its Supplement
Ragep, F. Jamil;
Tusi and Copernicus: The Earth's Motion in Context
Isahaya, Yoichi;
The Tārīkh-i Qitā in the Zīj-i Īlkhānī---The Chinese calendar in Persian
Ivan Šprajc;
Pedro Francisco Sánchez Nava;
Astronomy and Architecture in the Maya Lowlands
V. R. Tiede;
Ara Pacis Avgvstae: An Astro-Archaeological Analysis
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