Article ID: CBB387075654

The Rise of Machines in Reformation Nuremberg: Jakob Ayrer's "Fastnachtspiel of Fritz Dölla with His Bewitched Fiddle" (2018)


This paper analyses the carnival play about a farm servant who was given a magic fiddle that forced everybody who heard it to dance. I bring the play into context with contemporaneous discoveries in physiology and with the assimilation of dance music by the highbrowed genres around 1600. Two important spheres of the play are subjected to carnivalesque reversal. First, power relations: the exploited servant gets control over other people's bodies. Second, the relations between the rational and the supernatural: while money is treated as a purely magical gift, the impact of Dölla's Bewitched Fiddle could be regarded within a scientific framework.

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Authors & Contributors
Wolfschmidt, Gudrun
Bino, Carla
Gaab, Hans
Kremer, Richard L.
Mathäus, Klaus
Nelle, Florian
Nuncius: Annali di Storia della Scienza
Configurations: A Journal of Literature, Science, and Technology
Technology and Culture
Ètudes britanniques contemporaines
Cambridge University Press
Blackwell Publishers
Edinburgh University Press
Franz Steiner Verlag
Tredition Science
UCL Press
Drama, dance, and performing arts
Technology and art
Astronomical observatories
Technology and culture
Technology and theater
Eimmart, Georg Christoph
Walther, Bernard
Eimmart, Maria Clara
Eimmart family
Kandinsky, Vassily
Mayer, Johann Tobias
Time Periods
17th century
15th century
16th century
20th century
18th century
Nuremberg (Germany)
United States
Great Britain
New York (U.S.)
Venice (Italy)

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