Article ID: CBB381679846

Causation and Gravitation in George Cheyne's Newtonian Natural Philosophy (2021)


This paper analyzes the metaphysical system developed in Cheyne’s Philosophical Principles of Religion. Cheyne was an early proponent of Newtonianism and tackled several philosophical questions raised by Newton’s work. The most pressing of these concerned the causal origin of gravitational attraction. Cheyne rejected the occasionalist explanations offered by several of his contemporaries in favor of a model on which God delegated special causal powers to bodies. Additionally, he developed an innovative approach to divine conservation. This allowed him to argue that Newton’s findings provided evidence for God’s existence and providence without the need for continuous divine intervention in the universe.

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Authors & Contributors
Janiak, Andrew
Henry, John
Kochiras, Hylarie
Arecco, Davide
Dudley, John
Dunlop, Katherine Laura
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
British Journal for the History of Philosophy
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
Foundations of Science
Metascience: An International Review Journal for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science
Carocci Editore
Polity Press
State University of New York Press
Times Books/Henry Holt
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Science and religion
Natural philosophy
Philosophy of science
Newton, Isaac
Descartes, René
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von
Locke, John
Boscovich, Ruggiero Giuseppe
Time Periods
17th century
18th century
Great Britain
Royal Society of London

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