Book ID: CBB380024492

Medieval Mobilities: Gendered Bodies, Spaces, and Movements (2023)


Basil Arnould Price (Editor)
Jane Elizabeth Bonsall (Editor)
Meagan Khoury (Editor)

Springer Nature

Publication Date: 2023
Physical Details: 260
Language: English

This collection explores the intersection of gender and mobility across the Global Middle Ages. Medieval Mobilities questions how medieval people, texts, images, and ideas move across physiological, geographical, literary, and spiritual boundaries. In what ways do these movements afford new configurations of gender, sexuality, and being? Enacting a dialogue between medieval studies, feminist thought, and queer theory, Medieval Mobilities proposes that attending to the undulations of premodern gender and sexuality may help destabilize unstated assumptions about ways of being and loving in the Middle Ages. This volume also brings together emergent and established scholars to challenge an increasingly static academy and instead envision a scholarly practice focused on intergenerational, international, and interdisciplinary collaboration. Drawing upon wide range of primary sources and theoretical frameworks, the resultant essays unsettle the imagined fixity of gender and propose alternative conceptualizations of embodiment, identity, and difference in the medieval world.

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Authors & Contributors
Abbate, Janet
Barany, Michael J.
Burke, Peter
Coleborne, Catharine
Daston, Lorraine J.
DeVun, Leah
Agricultural History
Configurations: A Journal of Literature, Science, and Technology
Princeton University
University of Chicago
Cambridge University Press
Bloomsbury Academic
Columbia University Press
Cornell University Press
Embodiment; corporeality
Global history
Time Periods
19th century
21st century
20th century, early
Early modern
20th century
Great Britain
New Zealand
United States

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