Kyle Falcon (Author)
The Great War haunted the British Empire. Shell shocked soldiers relived the war's trauma through waking nightmares consisting of mutilated and grotesque figures. Modernist writers released memoirs condemning the war as a profane and disenchanting experience. Yet British and Dominion soldiers and their families also read prophecies about the coming new millennium, experimented with séances, and claimed to see the ghosts of their loved ones in dreams and in photographs. On the battlefields, they had premonitions and attributed their survival to angelic, psychic, or spiritual forces. For many, the war was an enchanting experience that offered proof of another world and the transcendental properties of the mind. Between 1914 and 1939, an array of ghosts lived in the minds of British subjects as they navigated the shocking toll that death in modern war exerted in their communities.
Francesco Paolo de Ceglia;
Lorenzo Leporiere;
Becoming Eusapia: The rise of the “Diva of Scientists”
Everton de Oliveira Maraldi;
Carlos S Alvarado;
Final chapter, From India to the Planet Mars: A Study of a Case of Somnambulism with Glossolalia, by Théodore Flournoy (1900)
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Nancy L Zingrone;
Camille Flammarion on the powers of the soul; with an introduction by Carlos S
Lorenzo Leporiere;
Eusapia: medium, isterica, ossessa. Le innumerevoli narrazioni sui fenomeni spiritici
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Chiesa e antispiritismo a Napoli, in Italia, in Europa (1853-1932)
David Armando;
Fluidi, sonnambuli e spiriti fra Napoli, Roma e l’Europa
Courtenay Raia Ph.D;
The New Prometheans: Faith, Science, and the Supernatural Mind in the Victorian Fin de Siècle
Lachapelle, Sofie;
Investigating the Supernatural: From Spiritism and Occultism to Psychical Research and Metapsychics in France, 1853--1931
Vermeer, Leonieke;
“Als de tafel danst, dan wankelt de wetenschap”: De relatie tussen spiritisme en wetenschap in Nederland rond 1900
Klassen, Pamela E.;
Radio Mind: Protestant Experimentalists on the Frontiers of Healing
Essay Review
Taves, Ann;
The Power of the Paranormal (and Extraordinary)
Smith, Charles H.;
Wallace, Spiritualism, and Beyond: “Change,” or “No Change”?
Noakes, Richard;
Haunted Thoughts of the Careful Experimentalist: Psychical Research and the Troubles of Experimental Physics
Efram Sera-Shriar;
Psychic Investigators: Anthropology, Modern Spiritualism, and Credible Witnessing in the Late Victorian Age
Ferreira, Juliana Mesquita Hidalgo;
Johann Zöllner: quarta dimensão e fenômenos espiritualistas em fins do século XIX
Mauro Vallejo;
El Instituto Psicológico Argentino (1892). Teosofía, hipnosis y charlatanería en los orígenes de una iniciativa olvidada
Timms, Joanna;
Ghost-Hunters and Psychical Research in Interwar England
Germana Pareti;
Physicians and Séances on the Road Towards the Spectacularization of Spiritualism
Galvan, Jill Nicole;
The Sympathetic Medium: Feminine Channeling, the Occult, and Communication Technologies, 1859--1919
Wolffram, Heather;
Hallucination or Materialization? The Animism versus Spiritism Debate in Late-19th-Century Germany
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