Article ID: CBB377922634

Los universales y la crítica del extremeño Ibn al-Batalyawsi a la obra de al-Farabi (2017)


Ibn al S.d nace en Badajoz durante el periodo de los aftasies en el ano 1052, y muere en la ciudad de Valencia en 1127. Este filosofo aftasi realizo un gran esfuerzo por integrar la falsafa procedente de Grecia en la hikma islamica, con idea de construir el gran bloque falsafa-hikma. En este sentido, su filosofia coincidia con la de al-F.r.b., quien escribio el Libro de la Isagoge, obra de referencia sobre el tema de los universales en la cultura arabe. No obstante, Ibn al S.d disiente de este autor en algunos puntos y discute �gun supuesto error de al-F.r.b. en la enumeracion de los tres primeros predicamentos del Organon de Aristoteles�h. Su conciso comentario constituye una rica aportacion en un tema fundamental para entender el surgimiento del metodo cientifico. Breve pero muy bien argumentado, puede ser considerado como una de las cuestiones mas antiguas sobre logica que se conservan. La profundidad del tema y de esta discusion filosofica representaria un pilar fundamental para el desarrollo del metodo cientifico y la ciencia en el al- Andalus. Ibn al Sid al-Batalyawsi was born in Badajoz (1052) during the Iberian muslin Taifa period, and died in the city of Valencia (1127). This Aftasi philosopher made an important effort to integrate the Falsafa, originally from Ancient Greece, in the Islamic Hikma, with the intention of building the great falsafa-hikma block. In that sense, his philosophy coincided with Al-Farabi�s, who wrote The Book of the Isagoge, a reference work on universals in the Arabic civilization. Nevertheless, Ibn al Sid dissents from this author in some points and discusses �an alleged error of Al-Farabi in the enumeration of the three first predicates of the Organon of Aristotle�. His short but concise comment constitutes a rich contribution to a fundamental subject in order to understand the emergence of the scientific method. This brief but concise comment is wonderfully argued, and it can be considered as one of the oldest questions on logic ever preserved. The depth of this subject and the philosophical discussion represent a fundamental pillar for the development of the scientific method and science in Al-Andalus.

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Authors & Contributors
Adamson, Peter
Aouad, Maroun
Bruun, Otto
Chatti, Saloua
Corti, Lorenzo
D'arcy, Guillaume de Vaulx
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
European Legacy
History and Philosophy of Logic
The Review of Metaphysics
Edizioni Cadmo
Harvard University
Warburg Institute, Univ. of London
Arab/Islamic world, civilization and culture
al-Fārābī, Abū Naṣr Muḥammd ibn Muḥammad
al-Rāzī, Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Zakariyyā
Time Periods
10th century
12th century
11th century
13th century
Mediterranean region
Andalusia (Spain)
Middle and Near East

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