Peruzzi, Giulio (Author)
Rocci, Alessio (Author)
The main purpose of this paper is to analyse the earliest work of Léon Rosenfeld, one of the pioneers in the search of Quantum Gravity, the supposed theory unifying quantum theory and general relativity. We describe how and why Rosenfeld tried to face this problem in 1927, analysing the role of his mentors: Oskar Klein, Louis de Broglie and Théophile De Donder. Rosenfeld asked himself how quantum mechanics should concretely modify general relativity. In the context of a five-dimensional theory, Rosenfeld tried to construct a unifying framework for the gravitational and electromagnetic interaction and wave mechanics. Using a sort of “general relativistic quantum mechanics” Rosenfeld introduced a wave equation on a curved background. He investigated the metric created by what he called ‘quantum phenomena’, represented by wave functions. Rosenfeld integrated Einstein equations in the weak field limit, with wave functions as source of the gravitational field. The author performed a sort of semi-classical approximation obtaining at the first order the Reissner-Nordström metric. We analyse how Rosenfeld’s work is part of the history of Quantum Mechanics, because in his investigation Rosenfeld was guided by Bohr’s correspondence principle. Finally we briefly discuss how his contribution is connected with the task of finding out which metric can be generated by a quantum field, a problem that quantum field theory on curved backgrounds will start to address 35 years later.
Giulio Peruzzi;
Alessio Rocci;
Quantum Cultures during the Prehistory of Quantum Gravity: Léon Rosenfeld's Early Contributions to Quantum Gravity
Salisbury, Donald;
Léon Rosenfeld and the Challenge of the Vanishing Momentum in Quantum Electrodynamics
Freire, Olival, Jr.;
Lehner, Christoph;
“Dialectical Materialism and Modern Physics”, an Unpublished Text by Max Born
Kojima, Chieko;
Marcel Brillouin's Wave Concept and Its Influence on Louis de Broglie
Smyk, A. F.;
The Genesis of Louis De Broglie's Concept of Wave-Particle Duality
Joas, Christian;
Lehner, Christoph;
The Classical Roots of Wave Mechanics: Schrödinger's Transformations of the Optical-Mechanical Analogy
Hespel, Bertrand;
L'importance des quanta de Louis de Broglie
J. Brian Pitts;
Peter Bergmann on observables in Hamiltonian General Relativity: A historical-critical investigation
Alessio Rocci;
On the gravitational effects of light
Camilleri, Kristian;
Constructing the Myth of the Copenhagen Interpretation
Jacobsen, Anja Skaar;
Léon Rosenfeld's Marxist Defense of Complementarity
Pessoa, Osvaldo;
Freire, Olival, Jr.;
De Greiff, Alexis;
The Tausk Controversy on the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics: Physics, Philosophy, and Politics
Darrigol, Olivier;
Cohérence et complétude de la mécanique quantique: L'exemple de “Bohr-Rosenfeld”
Sjang L. ten Hagen;
The Local versus the Global in the history of relativity: The case of Belgium
Le découverte des ondes de matière: Colloque organisé à l'occasion du centenaire de la naissance de Louis de Broglie 16-17 juin 1992
Quantum mechanics, determinism, causality, and particles: An international collection of contributions in honor of Louis de Broglie on the occasion of the jubilee of his celebrated thesis
Lochak, Georges;
Convergence and divergence between the ideas of de Broglie and Schrödinger in wave mechanics
Navarro Veguillas, Luis;
Sobre una regla de cuantización de A. Einstein (1917) y su influencia en L. de Broglie
Vigier, Jean-Pierre;
Louis de Broglie: Physicist and thinker
Kojima, Chieko;
The notes taken by de Broglie from Langevin's lecture on the quantum theory in 1919. (In Japanese)
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