Book ID: CBB372345318

Back on track : Sound transit's fight to save light rail (2019)


Bob Wodnik (Author)

Washington State University Press

Publication Date: 2019
Physical Details: 170
Language: English

With light rail estimates well beyond the voter-approved total, a fledgling Sound Transit faced angry opposition and teetered near collapse—until a new executive director rallied team members, secured a crucial federal grant, publicly confronted critics, and revised the budget. Her team navigated lawsuits and complex demands to deliver the promised system, and today the public transportation agency’s trains and buses serve nearly 50 million passengers each year. (Publisher)

Reviewed By

Review John C. Spychalski (Fall-Winter 2020) Review of "Back on track : Sound transit's fight to save light rail". Railroad History (p. 115). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Héran, Frédéric
Aldrich, Mark
Bruhèze, A. A. Albert de la
Oldenziel, Ruth
Polmar, Norman
Nadine Lind
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
Journal of Historical Geography
Railroad History
Bulletin of the Central Electric Railfans Association
Éditions La Découverte
Amsterdam University Press
Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers
Columbia University Press
Publications de la Sorbonne
The MIT Press
Urban transportation
Land transportation
Pictorial works
Time Periods
20th century
21st century
19th century
20th century, early
20th century, late
London (England)
Berlin (Germany)
United States
New York City (New York, U.S.)
Washington (state, U.S.)
Pacific Electric Railway

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