Article ID: CBB372121715

From Kenya with Love… Agents Shaping the Backbone of a Telecoupled Rose System, 1920–2020 (2023)


Klara Strecker (Author)
Veraart, Frank (Author)

Icon: Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology
Volume: 28
Issue: 1
Pages: 77-104

Publication Date: 2023
Edition Details: Special issue: Entangling Technological Infrastructures, Material Flows and Environmental Modernities
Language: English

This article presents a transnational history of entangled rose trade. Building on notions of sustainability telecoupling, and transnational history literature, it investigates the historical (dis)entanglement process between Kenya and the Netherlands. It aims to go beyond the common supply side focus to tell a story of transnational entanglement that integrates the demand side as well. Along four key time periods, starting in the 1920s, this paper presents the dynamic and complex history of the formation of the Dutch-Kenyan flower system, focusing specifically on actors (dis)entangling activities across time and space. It empathises the non-linearity and dynamic nature of human and non-human agents, revealing how entanglements are constantly renegotiated, leading to diverse and sometimes unexpected feedbacks with (dis)entangling consequences.

Associated with

Article Stathis Arapostathis; Frank Veraart (2023) Introduction: Entangling Technological Infrastructures, Material Flows and Environmental Modernities. Icon: Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology (pp. 9-23). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Krige, John G.
Margócsy, Dániel
Di, Lu
Edwards, Elizabeth
Egmond, Florike
Fehrenbach, Frank
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Historical Records of Australian Science
Nuncius: Annali di Storia della Scienza
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
University of Chicago Press
Boydell & Brewer
Harvard University
LIT Verlag
McGill-Queen's University Press
Cross-national interaction
Transnational history
Natural history
Cesi, Federico
Clusius, Carolus
de l'Ecluse, Charles
Holwarda, Johannes Phocylides
Humboldt, Alexander von
Ruysch, Frederick
Time Periods
19th century
17th century
20th century
Early modern
16th century
18th century
United States
Great Britain
Académie des Sciences, Paris
Dutch East India Company
Jesuits (Society of Jesus)

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