Book ID: CBB371851274

This Dark Star: Thomas Digges, the Scientific Revolution, and the Infinite Universe (2022)


Charles L. Ladner (Author)


Publication Date: 2022
Physical Details: 204
Language: English

This book is unique. It is the first and only biographical study of the life of Thomas Digges who was a 16th century astronomer and the first to stipulate an infinite universe with countless number of stars. Previously all astronomers believed that the stars were attached to a dome or shell surrounding the planets. Digges shattered that illusion by observing the stars through a telescope some thirty years before Galileo. As a Parliamentarian and man of affairs, he was responsible for the reconstruction of Dover Harbor, the largest public works project during the Elizabethan era, and he served as Muster-Master General for the British Expeditionary forces assisting the Dutch in their war of independence.

Reviewed By

Review Peter D. Usher (2023) Review of "This Dark Star: Thomas Digges, the Scientific Revolution, and the Infinite Universe". Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage (pp. 521-522). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Usher, Peter D.
Goulding, Robert
Granada, Miguel A.
Johnston, Stephen
Enrico Massaro
Barker, Peter
Journal for the History of Astronomy
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
Archive for History of Exact Sciences
British Journal for the History of Science
British Society for the History of Mathematics Bulletin
Filozofski Vestnik
Harvard University Press
St. Martin's Press
Walker & Company
Yale University Press
York University (Canada)
Stars; stellar astronomy
Science and literature
Digges, Thomas
Copernicus, Nicolaus
Galilei, Galileo
Shakespeare, William
Dee, John
Kepler, Johannes
Time Periods
16th century
17th century
20th century
Early modern
Great Britain
Harvard College Observatory

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