Hoppe, Brigitte (Author)
Robin, Nicolas (Author)
In context of the last International Congress of History of Science and Technology on ―Ideas and Instruments in Social Context‖ held in Budapest from 28 July to 2 August 2009, Brigitte Hoppe and I were pleased to propose a symposium about the ―formation of experimentation in natural sciences and especially in plant sciences from 18th to 19th centuries‖. The aim of our debates was to re-examine a facet of the history of botanical sciences, which has been often disregarded by historians of science during the last decades, with the exception of the outstanding studies of Leonard K. Nash (1957), François Delaporte (1982) and Ursula Klein and W. Lefèvre (2007). This volume presents a collection of papers by authors from several countries with different cultural background. They follow up from different viewpoints the aim to study the rise, the development, and the role of experimentation in plant sciences which became a basic method in the modern natural sciences and likewise in botany.
Olga Elina;
Plants, Private Estates, and Public Assistance: Development of Plant Experimentation in Russia, 18th – 19th Centuries
Richards, Richard A.;
Darwin's Experimentalism
Murray Mylechreest;
Thomas Andrew Knight (1759-1838) and the Application of Experimentation to Horticulture
Parke, Emily C.;
Flies from Meat and Wasps from Trees: Reevaluating Francesco Redi's Spontaneous Generation Experiments
Doina-Cristina Rusu;
Using Instruments in the Study of Animate Beings: Della Porta's and Bacon's Experiments with Plants
Alix Cooper;
Placing Plants on Paper: Lists, Herbaria, and Tables as Experiments with Territorial Inventory at the Mid-seventeenth-century Gotha Court
Dana Jalobeanu;
Spirits Coming Alive: The Subtle Alchemy of Francis Bacon’s Sylva Sylvarum
Ana M. Alfonso-Goldfarb;
Silvia Waisse;
Márcia H. M. Ferraz;
Studies on the Balsams in the 18th Century: A Modern Experimental Approach
Sandra Calkins;
Between the Lab and the Field: Plants and the Affective Atmospheres of Southern Science
Luigi Guerrini;
Experiment, Observation, and Anatomy in Federico Cesi's Botanical Researches
Dana Jalobeanu;
Oana Matei;
Treating Plants as Laboratories: A Chemical Natural History of Vegetation in 17th-Century England
Taylor Spence;
The Canada Thistle: The Pestilence of American Colonialisms and the Emergence of an Exceptionalist Identity, 1783–1839
Clare John;
M. M. Mahood;
A John Clare Flora
Klemun, Marianne;
Live Plants on the Way: Ship, Island, Botanical Garden, Paradise and Container as Systemic Flexible Connected Spaces in Between
Freschet, Grégoire T.;
östlund, Lars;
Kichenin, Emilie;
Wardle, David A.;
Aboveground and Belowground Legacies of Native Sami Land Use on Boreal Forest in Northern Sweden 100 Years after Abandonment
Alicja Zemanek;
Piotr Köhler;
Historia Ogrodu Botanicznego Uniwersytetu Stefana Batorego w Wilnie (1919–1939) / History of the Botanic Garden of the Stefan Batory University in Vilna (Vilnius) (1919–1939)
Fairman, Elisabeth R.;
Art, Yale Center for British;
Of Green Leaf, Bird, and Flower: Artists' Books and the Natural World
Olga Elina;
A Passion for Plants: Collections and Power Games in Botany in the Russian Empire from the 18th to the Early 19th Century
Alain Asselin;
Jacques Cayouette;
Jacques Mathieu;
Curieuses Histoires De Plantes Du Canada, Tome 03: 1760-1867
Duilio Contin;
Dalla Bibliotheca Antiqua di Aboca Museum: un raro erbario sulle piante medicinali africane
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