On the occasion of the award of the author's da Vinci Medal in 2020, this article looks back to the early twentieth-century origins of the history of technology. Spotlighted are three pioneering historians, Sigfried Giedion, Abbott Payson Usher, and Lewis Mumford, whose writings were important to society and the author's intellectual journey. Their histories, written in the wake of World War I and the Second Industrial Revolution, addressed a question as urgent today as in their time: will the human spirit survive the age of machines? Their shared quest to save the soul of technology took them into the world of machines but also cosmic realms. Their solutions are arguably just as important today, as we confront the challenges of artificial intelligence, humanoid robots, and other digital technologies. Should the current generation of historians of technology be similarly committed to applying the lessons of history to modern technogenic problems?
Orihuela Guerrero, José;
Bases para la elaboración de un humanismo tecnológico en las obras de Ortega y Mumford
Suzanne Moon;
Taking Up Neglected Histories
Reynolds, Terry S.;
On Not Burning Bridges: Valuing the Passé
Kline, Ronald;
Foundational Stories
Long, Pamela O.;
The Craft of Premodern European History of Technology: Past and Future Practice
Forman, Paul;
The Primacy of Science in Modernity, of Technology in Postmodernity, and of Ideology in the History of Technology
Hård, Mikael;
SHOT-konferensen i Washington, D.C., 20-23 oktober 1983; (SHOT Conference in Washington, DC, 20-23 October 1983)
(January 2019)
The Saint Louis Meeting, 11–14 October 2018
(January 2017)
Organizational Notes: The Singapore Meeting, 22-26 June 2016
Hughes, Thomas P.;
SHOT Founders' Themes and Problems
(April 2018)
The Philadelphia Meeting, 26–29 October 2017
(July 2021)
Society for the History of Technology Awards and Fellowships 2020
Nielsen, Kristian Hvidtfelt;
Some Comments on the History of Technology: An Interview with John M. Staudenmaier, SJ
Post, Robert C.;
The Bridge at Mackinac Straits: Another Fiftieth Anniversary
McGee, David;
Making up mind: The early sociology of invention
Clancey, Gregory;
Dangerous, Disruptive, or Irrelevant? History (of Technology) as an Acquired Taste in Asia
Johan Schot;
Confronting the Second Deep Transition through the Historical Imagination
Amir, Sulfikar;
Nugroho, Yanuar;
Beyond the Triple Helix: Framing STS in the Developmental Context
Matthewman, Steve;
Michel Foucault, Technology, and Actor-Network Theory
Robert Carvais;
Grelon, André;
Anne-Françoise Garçon;
Penser la technique autrement : XVIe-XXIe siècle: en hommage à l'œuvre d'Hélène Vérin; (New ways of thinking about technology, 16th–21st centuries: A tribute to the work of Hélène Vérin)
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