Rosenberg, Charles E. (Author)
Cholera was the classic epidemic disease of the nineteenth century, as the plague had been for the fourteenth. Its defeat was a reflection not only of progress in medical knowledge but of enduring changes in American social thought. Rosenberg has focused his study on New York City, the most highly developed center of this new society. Carefully documented, full of descriptive detail, yet written with an urgent sense of the drama of the epidemic years, this narrative is as absorbing for general audiences as it is for the medical historian. In a new Afterword, Rosenberg discusses changes in historical method and concerns since the original publication of The Cholera Years.
...MoreArticle Dora Vargha (2020) Epidemic Years: A Third Look. Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (pp. 791-794).
Article Warwick Anderson (2020) The Way We Live Now?. Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (pp. 834-837).
Gramlich-Oka, Bettina;
The Body Economic: Japan's Cholera Epidemic of 1858 in Popular Discourse
Urška Bratož;
L’esangue invasore venuto da oriente. Il colera nell’Istria nordoccidentale (1830-1890)
Whooley, Owen;
Knowledge in the Time of Cholera: The Struggle over American Medicine in the Nineteenth Century
Tina Travagliante;
Democratismo e indipendentismo: dall'epidemia di colera del 1837 alla rivoluzione del 1848 in Sicilia
Holland, Michael;
Gill, Geoffrey;
Burrell, Sean;
Cholera and Conflict: 19th Century Cholera in Britain and Its Social Consequences
Goulet Denis;
Brève histoire des épidémies au Québec: Du choléra à la COVID-19
Simukai Chigudu;
The Political Life of an Epidemic: Cholera, Crisis and Citizenship in Zimbabwe
P. Wenzel Geissler;
Ruth J. Prince;
Layers of Epidemy: Present Pasts During the First Weeks of COVID-19 in Western Kenya
Francesca Cerbini;
"Tutte abbiamo una storia". Dengue, vulnerabilità sociale e ambientale fra le donne di un quartiere periferico di Fortaleza, Brasile
Ian Morley;
Dis-ease and epidemics: Shock and modern-era perceptions of contagion
Reinhardt, Robert Holbrook;
Remaking Bodily Environments: The Global Eradication of Smallpox
Chinmay Tumbe;
Age Of Pandemics (1817-1920): How They Shaped India and the World
William Johnston;
The Shifting Epistemological Foundations of Cholera Control in Japan (1822-1900)
Beltrão, Jane Felipe;
Memórias da cólera no Pará (1855 e 1991): tragédias se repetem?
William Johnston;
Cholera and Popular Culture in Nineteenth Century Japan
Lopez Denis, Adrian;
Disease and Society in Colonial Cuba, 1790--1840
Bulmus, Birsen;
Plague, Quarantines, and Geopolitics in the Ottoman Empire
Pepe, Chiara;
La natura del colera: contagiosa o epidemica? Visioni e teorie a Napoli durante l’epidemia del 1836 e la riflessione di Vincenzo Lanza
Almeida, Maria Antónia Pires de;
The Portuguese cholera morbus Epidemic of 1853--56 as Seen by the Press
Pemberton, Rita;
Dirt, Disease and Death: Control, Resistance and Change in the Post-Emancipation Caribbean
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