Chapter ID: CBB355763937

Studio petro-archeometrico di indicatori della prima fase del processo siderurgico. Il territorio di Piateda e di Fusine (2022)


The analysed samples, which come from two different mining contexts – Piateda - Val Venina and Fusine – can be grouped into three classes of technological indicators: portions of the furnace structure (the roasting furnace for iron ore), mining waste and fragments of the furnace charge of the roasting furnace. All the finds provide partial evidence for the initial stage of the cycle of iron production: the mining process. A petrographic and archaeometric analysis was carried out by combining observations made using optical microscopy with observations made using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The mining waste and the waste from the roasting furnace display mineralogical similarities: siderite + quartz +/- ankerite-calcite, found both in type B deposits and type S deposits. No accessory minerals were found in any of the analysed samples with the exception of sulphides and there were no traces of the enclosing rock (country rock). The absence of ferrite in the fragments related to the charge of the roasting furnaces indicates an estimated working temperature of the roasting furnaces of below 480-500 °C. The constant presence of manganese (Mn) in the mining waste and the furnace charge can be considered a distinctive feature that can help identify the deposits mined for metal production.

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Authors & Contributors
Paolo de Vingo
Ilaria Sanmartino
Anna Gattiglia
Maurizio Rossi
Bigelow, Allison Margaret
Vergani, Raffaello
New Books Network Podcast
Franco Angeli
Insegna del Giglio
Firenze University Press
Il Formichiere
Mines and mining
Environmental history
Science and industry
Landscape; landscapes
Time Periods
Early modern
19th century
20th century
18th century
Alps (Europe)
Tuscany (Italy)
Florence (Italy)

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