Article ID: CBB354084470

Trypanosomiasis, Tropical Medicine, and the Practices of Inter-Colonial Research at Lake Victoria, 1902-07 (2019)


Webel, Mari K. (Author)

History and Technology
Volume: 35
Issue: 3
Pages: 266-292

Publication Date: 2019
Edition Details: Special Issue: Empires of Knowledge
Language: English

As sleeping sickness appeared in epidemics across Africa c. 1900, it stimulated a race among colonial medical personnel and Europe-based scientists to discover its causative pathogen, its mode of transmission, and, ideally, a cure. Scientists circulated between hubs of research in Europe and key field sites in Africa, monitoring each other’s progress and often maintaining long-term relationships colored by collaboration and competition. The Lake Victoria littoral was an epicenter of both significant mortality and important research before WWI. This article explores the intellectual implications of colonial connectivity at local scale, focusing on changing ideas about sleeping sickness, the communication of research strategies and methods, and the circumstances of life and research in this imperial hinterland and colonial borderland in eastern Africa. Exploring research dynamics around Lake Victoria illuminates the inadequacies of colonial scientific and medical capabilities and both the generative and limiting aspects that the contingencies of colonial research created.

Included in

Article Axel Jansen; John Krige; Jessica Wang (2019) Empires of Knowledge: Introduction. History and Technology (pp. 195-202). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Neill, Deborah Joy
Webel, Mari K.
Alcalá Ferráez, Carlos
Alchon, Suzanne Austin
Crozier, Anna
Social History of Medicine
Medicina Historica
Canadian Bulletin of Medical History/Bulletin Canadienne d'Histoire de la Medecine
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
History of Psychiatry
Columbia University
I. B. Tauris
Ohio University Press
Oxford University Press
Stanford University Press
University of New Mexico Press
Trypanosomiasis, African
Public health
Finlay, Carlos Juan
Jamot, Eugene
Winthrop, John
Ehrlich, Paul
Koch, Robert
Time Periods
20th century, early
19th century
17th century
18th century
20th century
East Africa
North America
Tanzania (Tanganyika, Zanzibar)
Dutch East India Company

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