Naylor, Simon (Author)
Neil Macdonald (Author)
James P. Bowen (Author)
Endfield, Georgina H. (Author)
This paper demonstrates the value of school logbooks, an unusual and hitherto underused archival source, to the field of the historical geographies of weather and climate. It examines logbooks for schools across the Outer Hebrides, or Western Isles, off the west coast of mainland Scotland, ranging from the late nineteenth century until the early twentieth century. The weather had numerous and varied impacts on everyday life on the islands and was frequently recorded in school logbooks. The paper shows that islanders were especially vulnerable to extreme weather events – typically strong winds, heavy rain, storms and snow – which affected children's school attendance, health and well-being. It is argued that vulnerability to extreme weather reflected the wider social vulnerability of the islands' crofting communities.
Macdonald, Alan R.;
McCallum, John;
The Evidence for Early Seventeenth-Century Climate from Scottish Ecclesiastical Records
Michael Sean Munger;
Ten Years of Winter: The Cold Decade and Environmental Consciousness in the Early 19th Century
Degroot, Dagomar;
“Never Such Weather Known in These Seas”: Climatic Fluctuations and the Anglo-Dutch Wars of the Seventeenth Century, 1652--1674
Christopher Ryan Gilson;
Strange and Terrible Wonders: Climate Change in the Early Modern World
Gergis, Joëlle;
Garden, Don;
Fenby, Claire;
The Influence of Climate on the First European Settlement of Australia: A Comparison of Weather Journals, Documentary Data and Palaeoclimate Records, 1788--1793
Chenoweth, Michael;
The 18th-Century Climate of Jamaica Derived from the Journals of Thomas Thistlewood, 1750--1786
Martin Mahony;
For an empire of ‘all types of climate’: Meteorology as an imperial science
Garden, Don;
The Federation Drought of 1895--1903, El Niño and Society in Australia
Martin Mahony;
The ‘genie of the Storm’: Cyclonic Reasoning and the Spaces of Weather Observation in the Southern Indian Ocean, 1851–1925
Sarah Carson;
Ungovernable Winds: The Weather Sciences in South Asia, 1864-1945
Hutchison, Iain;
Institutionalization of Mentally-Impaired Children in Scotland, c.1855--1914
Meredith McKittrick;
(January 2018)
Talking about the Weather: Settler Vernaculars and Climate Anxieties in Early Twentieth-Century South Africa
Sigrist, René;
Candaux, Jean-Daniel;
H.-B. de Saussure (1740-1799): Un Regard sur la Terre
White, Sam;
Unpuzzling American Climate: New World Experience and the Foundations of a New Science
Molina García, Juan Alberto;
El sistema de cuestionarios y relaciones geográficas en el mundo hispánico de la Ilustración. Un procedimiento para obtener y difundir información climática
Lorenzo Bagnoli;
Tourists and meteorologists in the Italian Riviera: The Journal de Bordighera (1883–1935) as a source for the study of the local climate
Wladimir Köppen;
Alfred Wegener;
Wladimir Köppen - Scholar for Life Wladimir Köppen - ein Gelehrtenleben für die Meteorologie: Original German edition and ... Übersetzung mit ergänzter Bibliographie
Alex Cittadella;
Breve storia delle Alpi tra clima e meteorologia
Pietruska, Jamie L.;
US Weather Bureau Chief Willis Moore and the Reimagination of Uncertainty in Long-Range Forecasting
Anderson, K. D.;
Weather Services at War
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