Massimi, Michela (Editor)
Breitenbach, Angela (Editor)
Laws of nature play a central role in Kant's theoretical philosophy and are crucial to understanding his philosophy of science in particular. In this volume of new essays, the first systematic investigation of its kind, a distinguished team of scholars explores Kant's views on the laws of nature in the physical and life sciences. Their essays focus particularly on the laws of physics and biology, and consider topics including the separation in Kant's treatment of the physical and life sciences, the relation between universal and empirical laws of nature, and the role of reason and the understanding in imposing order and lawful unity upon nature. The volume will be of great interest to advanced students and scholars of Kant's philosophy of science, and to historians and philosophers of science more generally.
...MoreReview Katherine Dunlop (2019) Review of "Kant and the Laws of Nature". Metascience: An International Review Journal for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science (pp. 133-138).
Tilman Sauer;
Raphael Scholl;
The Philosophy of Historical Case Studies
Catherine Wilson;
Kant and the Naturalistic Turn of 18th Century Philosophy
Melissa McBay Merritt;
Varieties of Reflection in Kant's Logic
Rescher, Nicholas;
Kant and the reach of reason: Studies in Kant's theory of rational systematization
Steigerwald, Joan;
The Dynamics of Reason and Its Elusive Object in Kant, Fichte and Schelling
Fabio Minazzi;
Epistemologia storico-evolutiva e neorealismo logico
González, Ana Marta;
Aristotle and Kant on Practical Reason: An Annotation to Korsgaard
Alexey Zhavoronkov;
Kant's pragmatic use of reason from a sociological point of view: Third way or methodological impasse?
Steigerwald, Joan;
Natural Purposes and the Reflecting Power of Judgment: The Problem of the Organism in Kant’s Critical Philosophy
John H. Zammito;
Epigenesis in Kant: Recent Reconsiderations
Cécilia Bognon-Küss;
Charles T. Wolfe;
Philosophy of Biology Before Biology
Daniela Helbig;
Dalia Nassar;
The Metaphor of Epigenesis: Kant, Blumenbach and Herder
Gaukroger, Stephen W.;
Kant and the Nature of Matter: Mechanics, Chemistry, and the Life Sciences
Paolo Pecere;
Materialism, Lebenskraft and the limits of science: Metaphysical vitalism in post-Kantian scenarios
Dalia Nassar;
Analogical Reflection as a Source for the Science of Life: Kant and the Possibility of the Biological Sciences
Zammito, John H.;
The Lenoir Thesis Revisited: Blumenbach and Kant
Michael J. Olson;
Kant on Anatomy and the Status of the Life Sciences
Hein van den Berg;
Explanation, teleology, and analogy in natural history and comparative anatomy around 1800: Kant and Cuvier
Stephen Howard;
From the Boundary of the World to the Boundary of Reason: The First Antinomy and the Development of Kant’s Critical Philosophy
Frierson, Patrick;
Empirical Psychology, Common Sense, and Kant's Empirical Markers for Moral Responsibility
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