Lemuth, Oliver (Author)
Olsson, Lennart (Author)
Uwe Hoßfeld (Author)
Levit, Georgy S. (Author)
Christian Reiß (Author)
Personal notes, such as laboratory notebooks or, as in this case, an autobiography, are among the most seductive sources for the historian of science. Seductive, as they promise insights only rarely granted in the course of historiographical research and, at the same time, pose severe problems, when it comes to critical assessment of the sources. Autobiographies acuminate both sides in an especially drastic way. Whereas one can on the one hand hope for a look into the author’s mind, on the other hand autobiographies are always written in retrospect and with a specific motivation concerning their content. Keeping this in mind, Schaxel’s autobiography gives fascinating insights into an important but almost forgotten figure in the history of early 20th century biology. Schaxel was a highly ambivalent figure, in whose biography central themes of early 20th century science and culture meet. In contrast to older accounts, the autobiography is supposed to switch perspective and to let the author tell his story himself. That way, the picture given includes both Schaxel’s life and the interpretation Schaxel choose for telling the story. Additionally, an important and almost lost and forgotten source for the history of science should be made available. This original manuscript has been donated to the archive of the Ernst-Haeckel-House in Jena by Schaxel’s widow, Deborah Schaxel, after her return from the Soviet Union. In the course of the years, the original manuscript disappeared under unknown circumstances, but a copy has survived.
Nöthlich, Rosemarie;
Wetzel, Nadine;
Hoßfeld, Uwe;
Olsson, Lennart;
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Ostwald, Wilhelm;
Lebenslinien: Eine Selbstbiographie
Alan J. Rocke;
A Woman’s Life Alongside Chemistry:The Memoirs of Theresa Kopp Baumann
Krausse, Erika;
Hossfeld, Uwe;
Das Ernst-Haeckel-Haus in Jena: Von der privaten Stiftung zum Universitätsinstitut (1912-1979)
Hopwood, Nick;
Biology between university and proletariat: The making of a red professor
Schaxel, Julius;
Julius Schaxel an Ernst Haeckel, 1906-1917. [Zusammengestellt und erläutert von Krausse, Erika. Mit einer Bibliographie von Posselt, Doris]
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Tisza, Laszlo;
Adventures of a Theoretical Physicist, Part I: Europe
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Adventures of a Theoretical Physicist, Part II: America
Grace, Sherrill;
Mina Benson Hubbard;
A Woman's Way Through Unknown Labrador
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Edward J. Behrman;
Emil Fischer’s ‘’From My Life’’: English Translation of ‘’Aus Meinem Leben’’
Catherine Jones;
Benjamin Rush, Edinburgh Medicine and the Rise of Physician Autobiography
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Humphry Davy: Figura Literária e Filósofo Químico
Fisch, Menachem;
Babbage's Two Lives
Griffin, Emma;
Liberty's Dawn: A People's History of the Industrial Revolution
Julie A. Smith;
Representing Animal Minds in Early Animal Autobiography: Charlotte Tucker's the Rambles of a Rat and Nineteenth-Century Natural History
Darwin, Charles;
Neve, Michael;
Messenger, Sharon;
Laurence Brockliss;
From Provincial Savant to Parisian Naturalist: The Recollections of Pierre-Joseph Amoreux
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