Book ID: CBB346498986

When Galaxies Were Born: The Quest for Cosmic Dawn (2022)


Richard S. Ellis (Author)

Princeton University Press

Publication Date: 2022
Physical Details: 280
Language: English

Astronomers are like time travelers, scanning the night sky for the outermost galaxies that first came into being when our universe was a mere fraction of its present age. When Galaxies Were Born is Richard Ellis’s firsthand account of how a pioneering generation of scientists harnessed the world’s largest telescopes to decipher the history of the universe and witness cosmic dawn, the time when starlight first bathed the cosmos and galaxies emerged from darkness.In a remarkable career spanning more than forty years, Ellis has made some of the most spectacular discoveries in modern cosmology. He has traveled the world to conduct observations in locales as beautiful and remote as the Australian outback, the Canary Islands, Hawaii, and the Chilean desert. In this book, he brings to life a golden age of astronomy, describing the triumphs and the technical setbacks, the rivalries with competing teams, and the perennial challenge of cloudy nights. Ellis reveals the astonishing progress we have made in building ever larger and more powerful telescopes, and provides a tantalizing glimpse of cosmic dawn.Stunningly illustrated with a wealth of dramatic photos, When Galaxies Were Born is a bold scientific adventure enlivened by personal insights and anecdotes that enable readers to share in the thrill of discovery at the frontiers of astronomy.

Reviewed By

Review Pedro Russo (2023) Review of "When Galaxies Were Born: The Quest for Cosmic Dawn". Public Understanding of Science (pp. 815-816). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Hoskin, Michael A.
Smith, Robert William
Capaccioli, Massimo
Cooperstein, Shana
Cunningham, Clifford J.
Duerbeck, Hilmar W.
Journal for the History of Astronomy
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
British Journal for the History of Science
European Physical Journal H
History of Science
Carocci Editore
Harvard University Press
McGill-Queen's University Press
Springer International
W. W. Norton & Co.
Springer International Publishing
Galaxies; nebulae
Herschel, William
Parsons, William, 3rd Earl of Rosse
Zwicky, Fritz
Hubble, Edwin Powell
Bond, George
Einstein, Albert
Time Periods
20th century
19th century
18th century
20th century, late
21st century
17th century
Great Britain
United States
Montreal (Quebec, Canada)
Harvard University
Lowell Observatory
Mount Wilson Observatory
McGill University (Canada)

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