Article ID: CBB344558063

Explaining knowledge pluralisms; the intertwining of culture and materiality (2020)


A wide variety of theories explain how social factors influence and shape knowledges. Other theories describe how materialism and social elements coalesce. Largely still missing, however, is an argument that substantially addresses both culture and materiality. Using examples from four ethnographic case studies of culturally-distinct practitioners (two groups of Indigenous harvesters, a group of contaminant ecologists and a group of fisheries biologists) creating knowledge about the same topic (clams), I develop an explanation of how and why (useful) knowledge pluralisms exist. Using a process-based ontology for theorizing about materialism, I explore how conceptual frameworks and knowledge-making practices become intertwined with materiality. I argue that this intertwining allows for the creation of knowledge while simultaneously resulting in potentially differing knowledges about the same subject.

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Authors & Contributors
Shaw, Jamie
Vihalemm, Rein
Akera, Atsushi
Carrier, Martin
Chang, Hasok
Hüttemann, Andreas
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Acta Baltica historiae et philosophiae scientiarum
Foundations of Chemistry
History of Psychiatry
University of Pittsburgh Press
Philosophy of science
Pluralism (philosophy)
Controversies and disputes
Sociology of knowledge
Theories of knowledge
Feyerabend, Paul K.
Brown, James Robert
Carnap, Rudolf
Hilbert, David
Kitcher, Phillip
Nagel, Ernest
Time Periods
20th century
20th century, early
20th century, late
19th century
21st century

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