Book ID: CBB344098059

Expedition Relics from High Arctic Greenland: Eight Decades of Exploration History, Told through 102 Objects (2022)


A history of Euro-American exploration through 101 artifacts. Protected by remote tundra, undisturbed artifacts from late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century expeditions into Greenland provide a unique window into the history of exploration. Expedition Relics from High Artic Greenland reveals the grueling story of European-American exploration through 101 of these artifacts—from personal documents and carvings to professional equipment and supplies. Discovered at thirty-two sites along Greenland’s northwest coast, these sundry artifacts chart the history of American, British, and Scandinavian exploration in the Artic from 1853 through 1934. Beautifully illustrated, this book offers unprecedented access to one of the most remarkable eras of geographical discovery.

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Authors & Contributors
Guly, Henry
Kaalund, Nanna Katrine Lüders
Barr, William
Bekasova, Alexandra V.
Doel, Ronald E.
Friedman, Robert Marc
Journal of Medical Biography
British Journal for the History of Science
Journal of Historical Geography
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Canadian Journal of History
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
McGill-Queen's University Press
Palgrave Macmillan
University of Calgary Press
University of Pittsburgh Press
Travel; exploration
Scientific expeditions
Bruce, William Speirs
Franklin, John
Kane, Elisha Kent
Koch, Lauge
Koettlitz, Reginald
Petermann, August
Time Periods
19th century
20th century, early
20th century
Arctic regions
United States
Great Britain
Rossiiskaia Akademiia Nauk
International Polar Year (1882-1883)

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