Gregory Rodriguez (Author)
Data has become one of the most sought after commodities from the ongoing incorporation of new "mobility -"focused and "smart city" innovations into communities. This includes collection of user data from rides with transportation network companies (i.e. Lyft, Uber, and Via), to autonomous vehicle demonstration projects and dockless micromobility deployments, in addition to sensors being placed in the public right of way. However, with the proliferation of data collection across multiple industries, important legal and policy questions arise around who owns the data being collected, what rights users have over the use of data collected, and whether there is a duty to better inform users around growing privacy concerns from the collection of mass amounts of user data, even if it is claimed that such data can be anonymized or generalized.
Elena Psyllou;
Jacek Pawlak;
(June 2019)
Congestion, Safety, Economic, and Environmental Challenges of Vehicle Automation in Transport Systems: Comment on "Driverless Cars will Make Passenger Rail Obsolete," by Yair Wiseman [Opinion]
Antonio Bucchiarone;
Philip Feldmann;
(June 2019)
The Resilience of "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles": Comment on "Driverless Cars Will Make Passenger Rail Obsolete," by Yair Wiseman [Opinion]
Germaine Halegoua;
Smart Cities
Teresa Galvao Dias;
(June 2019)
Driverless Cars - Another Piece Of The Puzzle: Comments on "Driverless Cars will Make Passenger Rail Obsolete," by Yair Wiseman
Heather Anne Swanson;
(December 2020)
Why Railroads Now?: Anthropology of Infrastructure and Debates around “Green” Transit
Hod Lipson;
Melba Kurman;
Driverless: Intelligent Cars and the Road Ahead
Daniel J. Hicks;
(March 2018)
The Safety of Autonomous Vehicles: Lessons from Philosophy of Science
Ben Falchuk;
Shoshana Loeb;
Ralph Neff;
(June 2018)
The Social Metaverse: Battle for Privacy
Ons Al-Shamaileh;
(June 2018)
I Have Issues with Facebook: But I Will Keep Using It
Rui Costa;
The Internet of Moving Things
Jutta Weber;
Kröger, Fabian;
(March 2018)
Introduction: Autonomous Driving and the Transformation of Car Cultures
Manderscheid, Katharina;
(March 2018)
From the Automobile to the Driven Subject? Discursive Assertions of Mobility Futures
Viktor Mayer-Schönberger;
Kenneth Cukier;
Big Data: A Revolution that Will Transform how We Live, Work, and Think
Essay Review
Martha Poon;
(November 2016)
Review Essay: Corporate Capitalism and the Growing Power of Big Data
Shi, Yong;
(Winter 2014)
Big Data History, Current Status, and Challenges going Forward
Franco Zambonelli;
Flora Salim;
Seng W. Loke;
Wolfgang De Meuter;
Salil Kanhere;
(June 2018)
Algorithmic Governance in Smart Cities: The Conundrum and the Potential of Pervasive Computing Solutions
Anu Masso;
Maris Männiste;
Andra Siibak;
‘End of Theory’ in the Era of Big Data: Methodological Practices and Challenges in Social Media Studies
Steven Ruggles;
Diana L Magnuson;
Census Technology, Politics, and Institutional Change, 1790–2020
Christine von Oertzen;
Machineries of Data Power: Manual versus Mechanical Census Compilation in Nineteenth-Century Europe
Włodzimierz Gogołek;
Refining Big Data
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