Cooley, Mackenzie (Editor)
Toledano, Anna (Editor)
Yıldırım, Duygu (Editor)
The essays and original visualizations collected in Natural Things in Early Modern Worlds explore the relationships among natural things - ranging from pollen in a gust of wind to a carnivorous pitcher plant to a shell-like skinned armadillo - and the humans enthralled with them. Episodes from 1500 to the early 1900s reveal connected histories across early modern worlds as natural things traveled across the Indian Ocean, the Ottoman Empire, Pacific islands, Southeast Asia, the Spanish Empire, and Western Europe. In distant worlds that were constantly changing with expanding networks of trade, colonial aspirations, and the rise of empiricism, natural things obtained new meanings and became alienated from their origins. Tracing the processes of their displacement, each chapter starts with a piece of original artwork that relies on digital collage to pull image sources out of place and to represent meanings that natural things lost and remade.
Anne Gerritsen;
Histories of Health and Materiality in the Indian Ocean World: Medicine, Material Culture and Trade, 1600-2000
Susanna Burghartz;
Rublack, Ulinka;
Burkart, Lucas;
Christine Göttler;
Materialized identities in early modern culture, 1450-1750: objects, affects, effects
Adriana Craciun;
Simon Schaffer;
The Material Cultures of Enlightenment Arts and Sciences
Brice Laurent;
European Objects: The Troubled Dreams of Harmonization
Kevin Curran;
Renaissance personhood : Materiality, taxonomy, process
Rangan, Haripriya;
Alpers, Edward A.;
Denham, Tim;
Kull, Christian A.;
Carney, Judith;
Food Traditions and Landscape Histories of the Indian Ocean World: Theoretical and Methodological Reflections
Williams, Phillip;
Empire and Holy War in the Mediterranean: The Galley and Maritime Conflict between the Habsburgs and Ottomans
Bronwen Douglas;
Terra Australis to Oceania: Racial Geography in the 'Fifth Part of the World'
Bronwen Douglas;
Science, Voyages, and Encounters in Oceania, 1511-1850
Myllyntaus, Timo;
Hares, Minna;
Kunnas, Jan;
Sustainability in Danger? Slash-and-Burn Cultivation in Nineteenth-Century Finland and Twentieth-Century Southeast Asia
Carolina Alarcon;
Materia Medica: Anatomical Illustrations in Early Modern Spain
Kapil Raj;
Thinking Without the Scientific Revolution: Global Interactions and the Construction of Knowledge
Johannes Feichtinger;
Anil Bhatti;
Cornelia Hülmbauer;
How to Write the Global History of Knowledge-Making: Interaction, Circulation and the Transgression of Cultural Difference
Harold J. Cook;
Problems with the Word Made Flesh: The Great Tradition of the Scientific Revolution in Europe
Nükhet Varlik;
Plague and Empire in the Early Modern Mediterranean World: The Ottoman Experience, 1347-1600
Robert Born;
The Ottoman expansion and the development of cartography in east-central Europe (15th-18th centuries)
Atilla Polat;
Treatises on Pergar-ı Nisbe (the Sector) in Manuscript Collections in Turkey
Michele Seehafer;
Shimmering Virtue: Joris Hoefnagel and the Uses of Shell Gold in the Early Modern Period
Hanß, Stefan;
Making Featherwork in Early Modern Europe
Susanna Burghartz;
Burkart, Lucas;
Göttler, Christine;
Rublack, Ulinka;
Introduction: Materializing Identities: The Affective Values of Matter in Early Modern Europe
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