Book ID: CBB335157658

Dissonant Waves: Ernst Schoen and Experimental Sound in the 20th century (2023)


Dolbear, Sam (Author)
Leslie, Esther (Author)

Goldsmiths Press

Publication Date: 2023
Physical Details: 320
Language: English

Dials, knobs, microphones, clocks; heads, hands, breath, voices. Ernst Schoen joined Frankfurt Radio in the 1920s as programmer and accelerated the potentials of this collision of bodies and technologies. As with others of his generation, Schoen experienced crisis after crisis, from the violence of war, the suicide of friends, economic collapse, and a brief episode of permitted experimentalism under the Weimar Republic for those who would foster aesthetic, technical, and political revolution. The counterreaction was Nazism—and Schoen and his milieux fell victim to it, found ways out of it, or hit against it with all their might.Dissonant Waves tracks the life of Ernst Schoen—poet, composer, radio programmer, theorist, and best friend of Walter Benjamin from childhood—as he moves between Frankfurt, Berlin, Paris, and London. It casts radio history and practice into concrete spaces, into networks of friends and institutions, into political exigencies and domestic plights, and into broader aesthetic discussions of the politicization of art and the aestheticization of politics. Through friendship and comradeship, a position in state-backed radio, imprisonment, exile, networking in a new country, re-emigration, ill-treatment, neglect, Schoen suffers the century and articulates its broken promises.An exploration of the ripples of radio waves, the circuits of experimentation and friendship, and the proposals that half-found a route into the world—and might yet spark political-technical experimentation.

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Authors & Contributors
Bijsterveld, Karin
Casillas, Dolores Inés
Gagnon, Robert
Gandy, Matthew
Johns, Adrian
Kühn, Sebastian
Australian Journal of Politics and History
MIT Press
Oxford University Press
Cambridge University Press
Honoré Champion
Palgrave Macmillan
Broadcasting, radio and television
Technology and politics
Communication technology
Maupertuis, Pierre Louis Moreau de
Frigon, Augustin
Time Periods
20th century
19th century
21st century
20th century, early
18th century
20th century, late
Berlin (Germany)
London (England)
Paris (France)
United States
Great Britain
École Polytechnique de Montréal
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)
BBC World Service
Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)

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