Lazaroff-Puck, Cameron (Author)
James Clerk Maxwell’s theories of electromagnetism are distinctively Victorian products. Analysis of his often ignored theory of electric absorption and the Maxwellians’ “leaky condenser” reveals that critical details of these theories were shaped by Victorian electrical technology, namely capacitors and undersea telegraphy. Between appearances in his “Dynamical Theory” and Treatise, Maxwell’s theory of electric absorption evolved. It shifted his understanding of electrical action in the dielectric, bolstered central concepts in his broader electromagnetic theories, provided hope for a beleaguered experimental program to confirm his electromagnetic theory of light, and even led him to distort his expression for Ohm’s law. Simultaneously, the technological influences behind his theories come with their own histories. Maxwell draws heavily upon the testimony of cable engineer Fleeming Jenkin to the Joint Committee on the Construction of Submarine Telegraphs, formed to rescue the industry after multiple failed attempts to lay an Atlantic cable. Maxwell’s reliance on this testimony given to this committee imprints the financial and imperial ambition that initially spurred these cables’ construction onto his electromagnetic theories. A substance discussed in this testimony, gutta-percha, also connects Maxwell’s theory to the extractive global trade of this resource. The success of this committee in reforming the telegraph industry links Maxwell’s theories to the colonial, economic, and ecological fallout of the rapid global expansion of Britain’s undersea telegraph network.
Bruce J. Hunt;
Imperial Science: Cable Telegraphy and Electrical Physics in the Victorian British Empire
Cookson, Gillian;
Hempstead, Colin;
A Victorian Scientist and Engineer: Fleeming Jenkin and the Birth of Electrical Engineering
Bullock, Shawn Michael;
The Pedagogical Implications of Maxwellian Electromagnetic Models: A Case Study from Victorian-Era Physics
Giora Hon;
Bernard R. Goldstein;
The Key to Maxwell's Theory of Electrodynamics (1873): A Productive Methodology
Lambert, Kevin Thomas;
Mind over Matter: Language, Mathematics, and Electromagnetism in NineteenthCentury Britain
Cameron Lazaroff-Puck;
What Theories Are Made Of: How Industry and Culture Shaped Maxwell's Theories of Electromagnetism
Wenzlhuemer, Roland;
Connecting the Nineteenth-Century World: The Telegraph and Globalization
Stanley, Matthew;
By Design: James Clerk Maxwell and the Evangelical Unification of Science
Daniel Jon Mitchell;
What's Nu? A Re-Examination of Maxwell's ‘Ratio-of-Units’ Argument, from the Mechanical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field to ‘On the Elementary Relations Between Electrical Measurements’
D'Agostino, Salvo;
On the difficulties of the transition from Maxwell's and Hertz's pure-field theories to Lorentz's electron
Hou, Yude;
Didn't (Maxwell) Prophesy the Existence of Electromagnetic Wave?
John Lekner;
Nurturing Genius: the Childhood and Youth of Kelvin and Maxwell
Bordoni, Stefano;
Joseph John Thomson’s Models of Matter and Radiation in the Early 1890s
Alisa Bokulich;
Maxwell, Helmholtz, and the Unreasonable Effectiveness of the Method of Physical Analogy
Giuseppe Pelosi;
Stefano Selleri;
The Roots of Maxwell's A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field: Scotland and Tuscany, 'twinned by science'
Forbes, Nancy;
Mahon, Basil;
Faraday, Maxwell, and the Electromagnetic Field: How Two Men Revolutionized Physics
Salvo D'Agostino;
What is light? What is ether? An overwiew of Einstein’s problem on the abolition of ether and on its inheliminable presence in General Relativity
Vera Hartenstein;
Mario Hubert;
When Fields Are Not Degrees of Freedom
Olivier Darrigol;
Models, Structure and the Generality in Clerk Maxwell's Theory of Electromagnetism
Brian Clegg;
Professor Maxwell's Duplicitous Demon: How James Clerk Maxwell Unravelled the Mysteries of Electromagnetism and Matter
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