Hecht, Gabrielle (Author)
In Residual Governance, Gabrielle Hecht dives into the wastes of gold and uranium mining in South Africa to explore how communities, experts, and artists fight for infrastructural and environmental justice. Hecht outlines how mining in South Africa is a prime example of what she theorizes as residual governance—the governance of waste and discard, governance that is purposefully inefficient, and governance that treats people and places as waste and wastelands. She centers the voices of people who resist residual governance and the harms of toxic mining waste to highlight how mining’s centrality to South African history reveals the links between race, capitalism, the state, and the environment. In this way, Hecht shows how the history of mining in South Africa and the resistance to residual governance and environmental degradation is a planetary story: the underlying logic of residual governance lies at the heart of contemporary global racial capitalism and is a major accelerant of the Anthropocene.
Katherine Chandler;
Apartheid drone: Infrastructures of militarism and the hidden genealogies of the South African Seeker
Daviken Studnicki-Gizbert;
The Three Deaths of Cerro de San Pedro: Four Centuries of Extractivism in a Small Mexican Mining Town
Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing;
Nils Bubandt;
Elaine Gan;
Heather Anne Swanson;
Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet: Ghosts and Monsters of the Anthropocene
Eagle Glassheim;
Cleansing the Czechoslovak Borderlands: Migration, Environment, and Health in the Former Sudetenland
Norman B. Keevil;
Never Rest on Your Ores: Building a Mining Company, One Stone at a Time, Second Edition
Jock McCulloch;
Mining Evidence: South Africa’s Gold Mines and the Career of A. J. Orenstein
Elri Liebenberg;
Thomas Baines’s Contribution to 19th Century South African Cartography
Sarah Mittlefehldt;
(October 2018)
Wood Waste and Race: The Industrialization of Biomass Energy Technologies and Environmental Justice
Shannon Elizabeth Bell;
Fighting King Coal: The Challenges to Micromobilization in Central Appalachia
Leilani Nishime;
Kim D. Hester Williams;
Racial Ecologies
Amelia Fiske;
(June 2018)
Dirty hands: The toxic politics of denunciation
Sunaura Taylor;
Disabled Ecologies: Lessons from a Wounded Desert
Sarah M. Roe;
Elyse Zavar;
Understanding the role of wrongdoing in technological disasters: Utilizing ecofeminist philosophy to examine commemoration
Johnston, Andrew Scott;
Quicksilver Landscapes: Space, Power, and Ethnicity in the Mercury Mining Industry in California and the West, 1845--1900
Tilman Dedering;
(April 2018)
Blue Skies into White Space: Southern African Responses to the Trans-African Flight of the Silver Queen, 1920
Julia Tischler;
“The Only Industry That Can Make Us Hold Our Own”: Black Agrarianism in South Africa from a Transatlantic Perspective, ca. 1910–1930
Rachel Adams;
Can artificial intelligence be decolonized?
Storey, William Kelleher;
Guns, Race, and Power in Colonial South Africa
Peter Sutoris;
Educating for the Anthropocene: Schooling and Activism in the Face of Slow Violence
Colin Hoag;
The Fluvial Imagination: On Lesotho’s Water-Export Economy
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