Claessens, Guy (Author)
This paper examines the philosophy of mathematics developed by Pietro Catena (1501-1576), who held the chair of mathematics in Padua from 1547 until his death. Catena’s views on the ontology and epistemology of mathematical objects are generally reconstructed on the basis of his Universa loca in logicam Aristotelis in mathematicas disciplinas (venice, 1556). According to recent scholarship, Catena emerges as an adherent of a Platonic theory of mathematics: he is believed to maintain that mathematical objects are innate, and that the senses do not play an essential role in the genesis of mathematical knowledge. Nonetheless, Catena’s Oratio pro idea methodi (Padua, 1563) appears to display a traditional Aristotelian conception of mathematics, which regards geometrical objects as abstractions, separated from sensible objects by thought. If both readings are correct, it appears that we should assume an internal shift or evolution in Catena’s thought. In this article I will argue that a proper reading of Catena’s oeuvre reveals a consistent and coherent theory of mathematics, which renders the assumption of such a shift or evolution redundant. In my interpretation Catena turns out to be a sixteenth-century Aristotelian, rather than a pioneering (Neo)platonist.
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