Book ID: CBB332040827

Dissensuous Modernism: Women Writers, the Senses, and Technology (2022)


Allyson C. DeMaagd (Author)

University Press of Florida

Publication Date: 2022
Physical Details: 202
Language: English

Placing women writers at the center of the sensory and technological experimentation that characterized the modernist movement, Dissensuous Modernism shows how women of the era challenged gendered narratives that limited their power and agency and waged dissent through their radical sensuous writing.Allyson DeMaagd critiques an overemphasis among modernist writers and generations of researchers on the “masculine” senses of sight and sound, shifting the conversation toward the “feminine” senses of smell, taste, and touch. These senses, long considered “lower,” were explored by writers such as H.D., Mina Loy, Virginia Woolf, and Elizabeth Bowen, as DeMaagd demonstrates through detailed close readings of their lesser-studied novels. DeMaagd’s analysis shows how these women incorporated technology in their work to reunify the senses or to draw attention to the destructive disunity of the senses, highlighting the subversive potential of sensory integration.Dissensuous Modernism illuminates how modernist women writers breached the sensory borders society erects between men and women, heteronormativity and queerness, ability and disability, technology and nature, and human and nonhuman. It elevates diverse embodied experiences and illuminates the pivotal role of women in modernist sensory thought.

Reviewed By

Review Lena Wånggren (2023) Review of "Dissensuous Modernism: Women Writers, the Senses, and Technology". Technology and Culture (pp. 998-1000). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Spackman, Christy C. W.
Baert, Barbara
Colligan, Colette
Erwin, Lorna
Gardey, Delphine
Hicks, Marie
Technology and Culture
American Historical Review
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society
History and Technology
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
University of California, Berkeley
New York University
The MIT Press
UBC Press
University of California Press
Technology and gender
Women in technology
Smell; olfactory perception
Senses and sensation; perception
Taste; gustatory perception
Computers and computing
Weber, Ernst Heinrich
Time Periods
20th century
19th century
21st century
18th century
20th century, early
United States
Great Britain
Rome (Italy)
Soviet Union

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