Robinson, Sam (Author)
Baumhammer, Megan (Author)
Beiermann, Lea (Author)
Belteki, Daniel (Author)
Chambers, Amy C. (Author)
Gibbons, Kelcey (Author)
Guimont, Edward (Author)
Heffner, Kathryn (Author)
Hill, Emma-Louise (Author)
Houghton, Jemma (Author)
McCahey, Daniella (Author)
Qidwai, Sarah (Author)
Sleigh, Charlotte (Author)
Sugden, Nicola (Author)
Sumner, James (Author)
It is a cliché of self-help advice that there are no problems, only opportunities. The rationale and actions of the BSHS in creating its Global Digital History of Science Festival may be a rare genuine confirmation of this mantra. The global COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 meant that the society's usual annual conference – like everyone else's – had to be cancelled. Once the society decided to go digital, we had a hundred days to organize and deliver our first online festival. In the hope that this will help, inspire and warn colleagues around the world who are also trying to move online, we here detail the considerations, conversations and thinking behind the organizing team's decisions.
Scott Gabriel Knowles;
Death, Life, and Longing in the Pandemicene
Jemma Houghton;
Alexander Longworth-Dunbar;
Nicola Sugden;
‘Research Sharing’ Using Social Media: Online Conferencing and the Experience of #BSHSGlobalHist
Tim Boon;
Charlotte Sleigh;
Two BSHS Online Alternatives to Conventional Conferences
Stefano Santasilia;
Pandemia e stili di vita: pazienza
Luisa Simonutti;
Uneasiness. John Locke e le inquietudini del presente
Luisa Simonutti;
Paure, contaminazioni e alterità. Da Bacone a Kapuściński
Silvia Caianiello;
Accelerazione. Riflessioni sulle temporalità della pandemia
Stefania Achella;
Ragioni della scienza e ragioni politiche. Alcune considerazioni filosofiche
Leonardo Pica Ciamarra;
App. Il giro di vite digitale
Tizian Zumthurm;
Stefan Krebs;
(April 2022)
Collecting Middle-Class Memories? The Pandemic, Technology, and Crowdsourced Archives
Susanne Bauer;
Pandemic infrastructure: Epidemiology as compartmentalization
Davide Orsini;
James A. Ostenson;
Francesco Brigo;
Mariano Martini;
Pandemics and Mental Disorders: From the Thought of the 19th Century Psychiatrist Andrea Verga to long-term effects of COVID-19
Silvia Waisse;
The historian in the pandemic: what has been done about the history of nonconventional medicine in epidemics?
Mary Augusta Brazelton;
Viral Reflections: Placing China in Global Health Histories
Brian Dolan;
It Wasn't Supposed to Be a Coronavirus: The Quest for an Influenza A(h5n1)-Derived Vaccine and the Limits of Pandemic Preparedness
Nick Clarke;
Clive Barnett;
Archiving the COVID-19 pandemic in Mass Observation and Middletown
Fernando Rosa;
Alessandra Parodi;
Essere in una pandemia. Filosofia, medicina e Covid-19
Marjolein Lanzing;
Elisa Lievevrouw;
Lotje Siffels;
It Takes Two to Techno-Tango: An Analysis of a Close Embrace Between Google/Apple and the EU in Fighting the Pandemic Through Contact Tracing Apps
Merle Eisenberg;
Uses of History During the First Nine Months of COVID
Michael P. Kelly;
Federica Russo;
The epistemic values at the basis of epidemiology and public health
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