Wolfe, Charles T. (Author)
Article Paolo Pecere (2023) Materialism, Lebenskraft and the limits of science: Metaphysical vitalism in post-Kantian scenarios. Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science (pp. 771-787).
Article Tamás Demeter (2023) Sympathetic Organizations: Body, mind, and society in Robert Whytt and David Hume. Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science (pp. 753-769).
Article Rodolfo Garau (2023) Gassendi's second thought. From a materialistic picture of cognition to the defence of dualism: The lasting influence of the polemic with Descartes. Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science (pp. 733-751).
Article Antonio Clericuzio (2023) Thomas Willis' iatrochemistry and the activity of matter. Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science (pp. 717-732).
Article Laura Georgescu (2023) Cavendish on life. Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science (pp. 697-715).
Article Guido Giglioni (2023) Large as life: Francis Bacon on the animate matter of plants. Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science (pp. 677-696).
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Descartes et la chimie
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Same Spirit, Different Structure: Francis Bacon on Inanimate and Animate Matter
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History of women in the sciences: Readings from Isis
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The Past and Future of Early Modern Pharmacy History
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The Life of the Thrice Sensitive, Rational and Wise Animate Matter: Cavendish’s Animism
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“Who Is the Almighty That We Should Serve Him?” Chaos, Providence and Natural Philosophy in Stephen Hales
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Matter and Form: From Natural Science to Political Philosophy
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Robert Boyle e John Locke: Hipótese corpuscular e filosofia experimental
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Quantity and Extension in Suárez and Descartes
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The Isomorphism of Space, Time and Matter in Seventeenth-Century Natural Philosophy
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Hobbes and Galileo: Method, Matter and the Science of Motion
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Il corpo finito e la sua infinita divisibilità in un manoscritto (1764) di Padre Simpliciano da Napoli
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Naked Wax and Necessary Existence: Modal Voluntarism and Descartes’s Motives
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Transplantation and Corpuscular Identity in Paracelsian Vital Philosophy
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La matière de la création dans quatre commentaires Carolingiens sur la Genèse (I, 1-14) : une origine du monde entre forme et ténèbres
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The Unity of Composite Substance: The Scholastic Background to the Vinculum Substantiale in Leibniz’s Correspondence with Des Bosses
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Suárez on the Unity of Material Substances
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Anaxagoras’s Qualitative Gunk
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Francesco Piccolomini on Prime Matter and Extension
Trifolgi, Cecilia;
Matter and Form in Thirteenth-Century Discussions of Infinity and Continuity
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