Book ID: CBB322288474

Psychiatric Contours: New African Histories of Madness (2024)


Hunt, Nancy Rose (Editor)
Büschel, Hubertus (Editor)

Duke University Press

Publication Date: 2024
Physical Details: 360
Language: English

Psychiatric Contours investigates new histories of psychiatry, derangement, and agitated subjectivities in colonial and decolonizing Africa. The volume lets the multivalent term madness broaden perception, well beyond the psychiatric. Many chapters detect the mad or the psychiatric in unhinged persons, frantic collectives, and distressing situations. Others investigate individuals suffering from miscategorization. A key Foucauldian word, vivacity, illuminates how madness aligns with pathology, creativity, turbulence, and psychopolitics. The archives, patient-authored or not, speak to furies and fantasies inside asylums, colonial institutions, decolonizing missions, and slave ships. The frayed edges of politicized deliria open up the senses and optics of psychiatry’s history in Africa far beyond clinical spaces and classification. The volume also proposes fresh concepts, notably the vernacular, to suggest how to work with emic clues in a granular fashion and telescope the psychiatric within histories of madness. With chapters stretching across much of ex-British and ex-French colonial Africa, Psychiatric Contours attends to the words, autobiographies, and hallucinations of the stigmatized and afflicted as well as of the powerful. Expatriate psychiatrists with cameras, prying authorities, fearful missionaries, and colonial anthropologists enter these readings beside patients, asylums, and boarding schools via research on possession “hysteria” and schizophrenia. In brief, this book demonstrates novel ways of writing not only medical history but all subaltern and global histories.

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Authors & Contributors
Andrews, Jonathan
Coleborne, Catharine
Ehrenberg, Alain
Ernst, Waltraud
Jackson, Lynette A.
Louw, Johann
History of Psychiatry
Mefisto: Rivista di medicina, filosofia, storia
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
History of Psychology
Journal of Global History
Social History of Medicine
Anthem Press
Carocci Editore
Cornell University Press
Grand Central Publishing
Inanna Publications
McGill-Queen's University Press
Mental disorders and diseases
Psychiatric hospitals
Therapeutic practice; therapy; treatment
Frame, James
Specht, Gustav Nikolaus
Willis, Francis
Cazzullo, Carlo Lorenzo
Bruzzone, Anna Maria
Rosenhan, David
Time Periods
20th century
19th century
18th century
20th century, early
20th century, late
21st century
United States
Ontario (Canada)
Bavaria (Germany)

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