Article ID: CBB317605852

Antonio Favaro e i suoi corrispondenti (2023)


The Museo Galileo has recently published online the vast collection of Antonio Favaro’s manuscripts, documents, and letters (Thek@ Favaro). The value of this material for the reconstruction of Favaro’s crucial work – especially in the field of Galilean studies – is absolutely essential. This brief contribution, based on a talk given on September 10, 2021, at the Museo Galileo, outlines the editorial criteria adopted by the Edizione Nazionale of Galileo’s works, which Favaro carried out between 1890 and 1909. The paper also highlights the significance of Favaro’s extraordinary correspondence (over ten thousand letters) for a deeper understanding of the connections and collaborations among European historians of science from the late 19th to the early 20th century.

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Authors & Contributors
Babbitt, Donald
Camerota, Michele
Chinnici, Ileana
Denza, Francesco
Galilei, Galileo
Goodstein, Judith R.
Bollettino di Storia delle Scienze Matematiche
Galilæana: Journal of Galilean Studies
Chemical Heritage
Notices of the American Mathematical Society
Physis: Rivista Internazionale di Storia della Scienza
Laboratorio dell'ISPF
Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti
Bollati Boringhieri
Correspondence and corresponding
Ecdotics; source study (methodology)
Critical editions
Primary literature (historical sources)
Favaro, Antonio
Galilei, Galileo
Bianchi, Giovanni
Castelnuovo, Guido
Caverni, Raffaello
Cesàro, Ernesto
Time Periods
19th century
18th century
20th century, early
17th century
20th century
Naples (Italy)
Museo Galileo (Italy)
Domus Galilaeana

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