Book ID: CBB317240921

British literature and technology, 1600-1830 (2023)


Girten, Kristin M. (Editor)
Aaron R. Hanlon (Editor)

Bucknell University Press

Publication Date: 2023
Edition Details: Book series: Aperçus: histories texts cultures; CHAPTERS: Introduction, by Kristin M. Girten and Aaron R. Hanlon; Webster’s Baroque Experiments and the Testing of Technology in the Early 1600s, by Laura Francis; Telling Time in the Fiction of Mary Hearne and Daniel Defoe, by Erik L. Johnson; The Technology and Theatricality of Three Hours after Marriage’s “Touch-Stone of Virginity,” by Thomas A. Oldham; Gulliver’s Travels, Automation, and the Reckoning Author, by Zachary M. Mann; Designing the Enlightenment Anthropocene, by Kevin MacDonnell; Technology, Temporality, and Queer Form in Horace Walpole’s Gothic, by Emily M. West; Telegraphic Supremacy in Maria Edgeworth’s “Lame Jervas,” by Deven M. Parker; Percy Shelley, Political Machines, and the Pre-History of the Post-Liberal, by Jamison Kantor; Afterword: On the Uses of the History of Technology for Literary Studies and Vice Versa, by Joseph Drury
Physical Details: 208
Language: English

Enlightenment-era writers had not yet come to take technology for granted, but nonetheless were--as we are today--both attracted to and repelled by its potential. This volume registers the deep history of such ambivalence, examining technology's influence on Enlightenment British literature, as well as the impact of literature on conceptions of, attitudes toward, and implementations of technology. Offering a counterbalance to the abundance of studies on literature and science in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Britain, this volume's focus encompasses approaches to literary history that help us understand technologies like the steam engine and the telegraph along with representations of technology in literature such as the "political machine." Contributors ultimately show how literature across genres provided important sites for Enlightenment readers to recognize themselves as "chimeras"--"hybrids of machine and organism," and to explore the modern self as "a creature of social reality as well as a creature of fiction." (Pubisher)

Reviewed By

Review Al Coppola (April 2024) Review of "British literature and technology, 1600-1830". Technology and Culture (pp. 709-710). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Budd, Michael Anton
Ciavolella, Massimo
Floyd-Wilson, Mary
Habinek, Lianne
Lancaster, James A. T.
Orgel, Stephen
Icon: Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology
Intellectual History Review
Technology and Culture
Oxford University Press
University of Pennsylvania Press
Cambridge University Press
Cornell University Press
McGill-Queen's University Press
Technology and literature
Science and literature
Land transportation
Taste; gustatory perception
Collins, Anthony
Herbert of Cherbury, Edward Herbert, Baron
Hobbes, Thomas
Toland, John
Annet, Peter
Time Periods
Early modern
16th century
17th century
18th century
19th century
Great Britain
Latin America

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