Book ID: CBB310530668

Cosmology in the Early Modern Age: A Web of Ideas (2023)


Bussotti, Paolo (Author)
Lotti, Brunello (Author)

Springer Nature

Publication Date: 2023
Physical Details: 346
Language: English

This volume addresses the history and epistemology of early modern cosmology. The authors reconstruct the development of cosmological ideas in the age of ‘scientific revolution’ from Copernicus to Leibniz, taking into account the growth of a unified celestial-and-terrestrial mechanics. The volume investigates how, in the rise of the new science, cosmology displayed deep and multifaceted interrelations between scientific notions (stemming from mechanics, mathematics, geometry, astronomy) and philosophical concepts. These were employed to frame a general picture of the universe, as well as to criticize and interpret scientific notions and observational data.This interdisciplinary work reconstructs a conceptual web pervaded by various intellectual attitudes and drives. It presents an historical–epistemological unified itinerary which includes Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Descartes, Huygens, Newton and Leibniz. For each of the scientists and philosophers, a presentation and commentary is made of their cosmological views, and where relevant, outlines of their most relevant physical concepts are given. Furthermore, the authors highlight the philosophical and epistemological implications of their scientific works. This work is helpful both as a synthetic overview of early modern cosmology, and an analytical exposition of the elements that were intertwined in early-modern cosmology. This book addresses historians, philosophers, and scientists and can also be used as a research source book by post-graduate students in epistemology, history of science and history of philosophy.

Reviewed By

Review Laurence Bouquiaux (2023) Review of "Cosmology in the Early Modern Age: A Web of Ideas". Revue d'Histoire des Sciences (pp. 491-493). unapi

Review Clifford Cunningham (2023) Review of "Cosmology in the Early Modern Age: A Web of Ideas". Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage (pp. 533-535). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Kragh, Helge S.
Capaccioli, Massimo
Fano, Vincenzo
Finocchiaro, Maurice A.
Gatti, Hilary
Harper, William L.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
Early Science and Medicine: A Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Pre-modern Period
Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
Physics in Perspective
Cambridge University Press
Carocci Editore
CNRS Éditions
Philosophy of science
Celestial mechanics
Science, general histories
Copernicus, Nicolaus
Bruno, Giordano
Darwin, Charles Robert
Freud, Sigmund
Galilei, Galileo
Hawking, Stephen W.
Time Periods
Early modern
21st century
17th century

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