Valerii Kavruk (Author)
Dan Lucian Buzea (Author)
Anthony Harding (Author)
Across prehistoric Europe several techniques were used to produce salt, including solar evaporation and the briquetage method. Here, the authors focus on a third technique used in Romania and western Ukraine. Building on excavations at Băile Figa and a series of wooden troughs found there, the authors conduct experiments to elucidate how these objects may have been used in salt production: to drip water onto rock salt surfaces to break them up; or to filter and/or concentrate brine by decanting and/or heating. The results demonstrate the troughs are ineffective at concentrating brine, but highly efficient at breaking up rock salt and cleaning the brine of insoluble impurities.
Andrey Vozyanov;
(June 2018)
Solution into problem: Ukrainian Marshrutka and Romanian maxi-taxi at the fall of planning paradigms after 1990
Helmut Rumpler;
Kurt Scharr;
Constantin Ungureanu;
Der Franziszeische Kataster Im Kronland Bukowina/Czernowitzer Kreis
Mila Andonova;
Vassil Nikolov;
Pots on mats: mat-impressed salt-extraction pottery at Chalcolithic Provadia-Solnitsata, Bulgaria
Heather McKillop;
E. Cory Sills;
Household salt production by the Late Classic Maya: underwater excavations at Ta'ab Nuk Na
Dorin-Ioan Rus;
Technical Innovations in Salt Transportation and River Shipping in eighteenth-Century Transylvania
Heribert Offermanns;
Salz - das weiße Gold: Die Kulturgeschichte einer einfachen Verbindung (Salt - the white gold: the cultural history of a simple compound)
Ruud Stelten;
Konrad A. Antczak;
Life at the Salty Edge of Empire: The Maritime Cultural Landscape at the Orange Saltpan on Bonaire, 1821–1960
Konrad A. Antczak;
Islands of salt : Historical archaeology of seafarers and things in the Venezuelan Caribbean, 1624-1880
Hollweg, Jürgen;
Salz - Weisses Gold oder Chemisches Prinzip? zur Entwicklung des Salzbegriffs in der Frühen Neuzeit
Walter, Hans-Henning;
Die Geschichte der Soletherapie in den deutschen Heilbädern
Hans Ulrich Vogel;
"That Which Soaks and Descends Becomes Salty": The Concept of Nature in Traditional Chinese Salt Production
Giorgio Dell'Oro;
La leggenda dell'oro bianco. Dai sali artigianali al sale industriale (secc. XV-XIX)
Andreas Janousch;
The Censor’s Stele: Religion, Salt-Production and Labour in the Temple of the God of the Salt Lake in Southern Shanxi Province
Walter, Hans-Henning;
Von der Flachpfanne zum Vakuumkristallisator: Siedesalzproduction im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
Brigand, Robin;
Weller, Olivier;
Archaeology of Salt: Approaching an Invisible Past
Vogel, Jakob;
Ein schillerndes Kristall: Eine Wissensgeschichte des Salzes zwischen Früher Neuzeit und Moderne
Zsuzsánna Magdó;
Romanian Spirituality in Ceauşescu’s ‘Golden Epoch’: Social Scientists Reconsider Atheism, Religion, and Ritual Culture
Marius Turda;
The History of East-Central European Eugenics, 1900-1945: Sources and Commentaries
Magda Stavinschi;
Boscovich on the Romanian Territories
Efthymios Nicolaidis;
Creationism in Today’s Orthodox Community
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