The field of history of science and the way it is written have changed enormously in recent decades. Today, the history of science seeks to understand science, technology, and medicine in their historical, cultural, and present contexts, using history as a tool to shed light on how knowledge has been shaped as it is. The history of science is no longer understood as an auxiliary discipline of science but has become, together with the philosophy of science, a complementary discipline. In this text, I will briefly and broadly reconstruct how the history of science has been written from the 1970s to date.
...MoreArticle Vincent Jullien; Carmen Martínez-Adame (2023) Foreward. Almagest (pp. 6-14).
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Representing scale: What should be special about the heritage of mass science?
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The Long and Short of It: The Future Writing of History of Chemistry
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“The Poor Sister:” Coming to Grips with Recent and Contemporary Chemistry
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The History of Knowledge and the Future of Knowledge Societies
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Gordana Jovanović;
Martin Dege;
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Counterfactuals and history: Contingency and convergence in histories of science and life
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Remote Interviewing and the History of Chemistry
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What Oral Historians and Historians of Science Can Learn from Each Other
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The Chinese Way in Science and the Oral History of Modern Science in China
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Museums of Natural Science and Technology and Oral History
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La science classique dans la Revue d’histoire des sciences
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L’histoire de l’histoire naturelle et de l’évolutionnisme dans la Revue d’histoire des sciences
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Motives and merits of counterfactual histories of science
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Tong Te-Kong and Oral History of Science Works
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Mark Spoerer;
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