Dinah Pfau (Author)
Piel, Helen (Author)
Florian Müller (Author)
Jakob Tschandl (Author)
Seising, Rudolf (Author)
The “KI-Rundbrief” (AI newsletter) of the AI specialist group in the German Informatics Society is considered central to the emerging West German AI community. It was mailed out between 1975 and 1987, when it was turned into the journal Künstliche Intelligenz. Despite its presumed centrality, it has not been studied in detail. This article combines a quantitative analysis of which research was published in the newsletter heuristically with a qualitative analysis looking at the role of the newsletter and its editors. It focuses especially on the subject areas deduction, natural language processing, expert systems, image processing, and cognitive science, showing that the newsletter only partially represents artificial intelligence research in the Federal Republic of Germany.
...MoreArticle Helen Piel; Rudolf Seising (2023) Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence in Europe. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing (pp. 6-10).
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Scientific Society Journals: the Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia
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