Derived measurements involve problems of coordination. Conducting them often requires detailed theoretical assumptions about their target, while such assumptions can lack sources of evidence that are independent from these very measurements. In this paper, I defend two claims about problems of coordination. I motivate both by a novel case study on a central measurement problem in the history of physical geodesy: the determination of the earth's ellipticity. First, I argue that the severity of problems of coordination varies according to scientists' predictive and experimental control over perturbations of the measurement process. Second, I identify a methodology by which scientists can solve hard problems of coordination and gradually increase their predictive control over perturbations. I dub this methodology ‘operational pluralism’ since it is driven by the introduction of alternative measurement operations that involve different physical indicators.
David Aubin;
Femmes, Vulgarisation Et Pratique Des Sciences Au Siecle Des Lumieres: Les Dialogues Sur l'Astronomie Et La Lettre Sur La Figure de la Terre de Cesar-Francois Cassini de Thury
Miguel Ohnesorge;
How incoherent measurement succeeds: Coordination and success in the measurement of the earth's polar flattening
Kershaw, Michael;
The “nec plus ultra” of Precision Measurement: Geodesy and the Forgotten Purpose of the Metre Convention
Madueira, Nuno Luis;
Las ciencias de observación en Portugal
Wang, Yumin;
The Lack of Error Ideas in the Calculation of the Traditional Chinese Calendar
Pier Franco Nali;
Annibale Riccò and the catoptric proof of the Earth’s curvature
Meropi Morfouli;
Galileo Galilei, le « mesureur du temps » et les longitudes: Une interprétation nouvelle de l’instrument proposé par Galilée en 1637
Violaine Giacomotto-Charra;
Sylvie Nony;
La Terre plate: Généalogie d'une idée fausse
Carman, Christián Carlos;
Evans, James;
The Two Earths of Eratosthenes
Kershaw, Michael;
“A thorn in the side of European geodesy”: Measuring Paris-Greenwich Longitude by Electric Telegraph
Mozaffari, S. Mohammad;
Limitations of Methods: The Accuracy of the Values Measured for the Earth's/Sun's Orbital Elements in the Middle East, A.D. 800--1500, Part 2
Hamel, Jürgen;
Die Kugelgestalt der Erde -- Vorstellungen im europäischen Mittelalter bis zur Mitte des 13. Jahrhunderts
Jullien, Vincent;
Le calcul des longitudes: Un enjeu pour les mathématiques, l'astronomie, la mesure du temps et la navigation
Erling Haagensen;
Niels C. Lind;
Medieval Round Churches and the Shape of the Earth
C. Philipp E. Nothaft;
A Medieval European Value for the Circumference of the Earth
Haka, Andreas;
The Earth's Rotation in Focus: The Local and Global Institutionalization of Planetary Geodesy in the 19th Century
Décamp, Nicolas;
Hosson, Cécile de;
Implementing Eratosthenes' Discovery in the Classroom: Educational Difficulties Needing Attention
James Hannam;
The Globe: How the Earth Became Round
Oscar Sheynin;
"Saint Fedos". A biography of Feodosy Nikolaevich Krasovsky (1878-1948)
Lamy, Jérôme;
Le problème des longitudes en mer dans les traités d'hydrographie des Jésuites aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles: Choix méthodologiques et pratiques instrumentales
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