Article ID: CBB303122459

Vernacular Surgery in the Medieval and Early Modern Latin West: Works, Individuals, and Research Methodologies (2024)


One of the most surprising aspects of the history of surgery in the medieval and early modern periods is the intense use of vernacular languages in the dissemination of treatises on the subject, via translations, and even in the writing of originals. This vernacularization of surgery began in the thirteenth century and is closely associated with the creation of a new medical system in the Latin West and with the birth of a rational “new surgery”, linked to Galenism, to school education, and to the transmission of knowledge in books. This article presents a summary of this interrelationship and the role played by the vernacularization of surgery in the success of these processes, and it upholds the need for an interdisciplinary research methodology in order to gain an overall understanding of it.

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Authors & Contributors
Francesco Bianchi
Boucher, Caroline
Crisciani, Chiara
Dumas, Geneviève
Filippini, Nadia Maria
Mellyn, Elizabeth Walker
Medicina nei Secoli - Arte e Scienza
Early Science and Medicine: A Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Pre-modern Period
I Tatti Studies: Essays in the Renaissance
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
Franco Angeli
Cambridge University Press
Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura
SISMEL edizioni del Galluzzo
Edizioni Penne & Papiri
Medicine and society
Public health
Medicine and politics
Medicine and religion
Laqueur, Thomas Walter
Constantinus Africanus
Time Periods
Early modern
14th century
13th century
Ottoman Empire

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