Article ID: CBB302360815

“Whatever Works”: Innovations in the Treatment of Hemophilia in the United States 1783–1950 (2020)


Treatment of the bleeding disorder hemophilia in the nineteenth century was empirical, based on clinical experience. Medications, transfusions of human or animal blood, and injections of blood sera were utilized in an attempt to halt life-threatening hemorrhages. After 1900, the application of clinical laboratory science facilitated the utilization of anti-coagulated blood and donor blood compatibility tests for safer emergency transfusions. But repeated transfusions produced blood incompatibility that limited future utilization. Investigation of hormones and snake venom as coagulants appeared hopeful during the 1930s, but plasma globulin research during World War II resulted in the isolation of antihemophilic factors that promptly reduced hemorrhage. Their application to bleeding episodes resulted in a more normal life for hemophiliacs after 1950.

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Authors & Contributors
Bangham, Jenny
Berner, Boel
Craddock, Paul T.
Gadelrab, Sherry Sayed
Hager, Thomas
Hawgood, Barbara J.
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
Health and History
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
History of Science
Journal of Medical Biography
Medical History
University of Chicago Press
Cambridge University
Columbia University Press
Johns Hopkins University Press
Polity Press
St. Martin's Press
Blood transfusion
Blood donors
Therapeutic practice; therapy; treatment
Medicine, general histories
Bogdanov, Alexander
Fisher, Ronald Aylmer
Time Periods
19th century
20th century, early
20th century
18th century
17th century
21st century
Great Britain
United States
London (England)
Australian Red Cross Society

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