Article ID: CBB301624329

Astronomical clues in unicorn iconography of the Harappan civilization (2022)


Unicorn imagery on the seals of the Harappan civilization (HC) is shown to be a chimera. This study tries to interpret the iconography of the unicorn and the associated cult object in terms of interrelated myths-specifically Vedic myths around Prajāpati as Mṛgaśiraṣa (Orion). A reading of composite seal M1171 depicting the body of a bull with protomes of a bull, unicorn and an antelope strengthens our interpretation. The research implies that the Mature Phase of the HC within the timeframe of ~ 2600–1900 BCE may reveal memories of the Vedic astronomy as we understand it since millennia.

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Authors & Contributors
Brink-Roby, H.
Callataÿ, Godefroid de
Dimitrijevi, Milan S.
Doniger, Wendy
Ernest, Allan
Gourmelen, Laurent
Archaeoastronomy: The Journal of Astronomy in Culture
Archives of Natural History
Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
Journal of Social History
Harvard University
Uitgeverij Thoth
University of Alabama Press
University of Chicago Press
University of Texas Press
University of Wales Press
Animals, mythical
Visual representation; visual communication
Science and literature
Natural history
Aldrovandi, Ulisse
Brahe, Tycho
Owen, Richard
Time Periods
17th century
19th century
16th century
Han dynasty (China, 202 B.C.-220 A.D.)
Rome (Italy)
Babylon (extinct city)
British Association for the Advancement of Science
Crystal Palace

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