Article ID: CBB300410525

Media Ecologies of Autonomous Automobility Gendered and Racial Dimensions of Future Concept Cars (2018)


Hildebrand, Julia M. (Author)
Sheller, Mimi (Author)

Volume: 8
Issue: 1
Pages: 64-85

Publication Date: 2018
Edition Details: Special section on “Degendering the Driver”
Language: English

The imagination of automated automobility puts into question the control of the vehicle by a masculine driver and potentially disturbs feelings of safety, power, security, and freedom. Given that systems of automobility and communication technology are already gendered and racialized in particular ways, this article explores how recent “premediated” depictions of automated car technologies reconfigure and reproduce the historically gendered and raced representations, meanings, and practices of (auto)mobility. This inquiry employs a media ecological approach within the qualitative analysis of two concept car previews by Nissan and Volvo. Rather than a degendering of the driver, we suggest a multiplication of gendered and racialized technologies of mobility via several forms of hypermediation. We also explore how the autonomous car continues to evoke utopian spatial metaphors of the car as sanctuary and communicative environment while allaying fears of dystopian metaphors of the vehicle as traffic trap, virtual glass house, and algorithmic target.

Included in

Article Jutta Weber; Kröger, Fabian (March 2018) Introduction: Autonomous Driving and the Transformation of Car Cultures. Transfers (pp. 15-23). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Randell, Richard W.
Robert Braun
Gunn, Simon
Harris, Neil
Mellström, Ulf
Olson, Philip R.
The Journal of Transport History
Icon: Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology
Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society
Social Studies of Science
University of Chicago
Bloomsbury Academic
Lexington Books
Rowman & Littlefield
The MIT Press
University of Chicago Press
Technology and gender
Land transportation
Technology and race
Time Periods
20th century
21st century
20th century, early
19th century
20th century, late
United States
Berlin (Germany)
Great Britain
Montana (U.S.)
Victoria and Albert Museum

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