Christian Marx (Author)
The article examines the careers of German central bankers and the phenomenon of the revolving door in the first two postwar decades. It focuses on the personnel changes between central banking and politics resp. private banking and asks for the social structure of German central bankers, their training paths and changes in comparison to the Reichsbank era. Finally, the impact of recruitment practices on central bank policy will be outlined. The paper is based on the thesis that party-political orientation became significant for the rise of the presidents of the land central banks (Landeszentralbankpräsidenten) after 1945 and that relations to private banking were primarily evident in training, whereas such aspects were of secondary importance for central bank monetary policy.
...MoreArticle Jan-Otmar Hesse; Alexander Nützenadel (2023) «Seitenwechsel» – Unternehmer in der Politik und Politiker in der Wirtschaft. Eine Einleitung ("Revolving Doors" – Manager in Politics and Politicians in Business. An Introduction). Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte (pp. 143-149).
Jan-Otmar Hesse;
Vom Röhren-Manager zum Verteidigungs-Staatssekretär und zurück: Der mehrfache Seitenwechsel von Ernst Wolf Mommsen (Revolving Doors: Ernst Wolf Mommsen’s journey from a Tube Manager to Under-Secretary of State for Defence and back)
Carlo Edoardo Altamura;
Juan Flores Zendejas;
(Winter 2020)
Politics, International Banking, and the Debt Crisis of 1982
William J. Novak;
(Winter 2019)
Institutional Economics and the Progressive Movement for the Social Control of American Business
Martin Elbe;
Von Offizieren und Managern: Reproduktion und Transformation einer Elite (Of Officers and Managers: Reproduction and Transformation of an Elite)
Jan-Otmar Hesse;
Alexander Nützenadel;
«Seitenwechsel» – Unternehmer in der Politik und Politiker in der Wirtschaft. Eine Einleitung ("Revolving Doors" – Manager in Politics and Politicians in Business. An Introduction)
Werner Plumpe;
Januskopf der deutschen Geldwirtschaft: Karl Helfferich (1872 bis 1924) (Janus face of the German monetary economy: Karl Helfferich (1872 to 1924))
Dieter Ziegler;
"Bankenmacht," "Verwaltungsherrschaft," "Aktionärsdemokratie"?: Zum Problem der Kontrolle der Geschäftsleitung in deutschen Aktiengesellschaften 1870 bis 1931 ("Bankenmacht", "Verwaltungsherrschaft," "Aktionärsdemokratie"? On the problem of management control in German stock corporations 1870 to 1931)
Philippe Marguerat;
Banques et grande industrie: France, Grande-Bretagne, Allemagne (1880–1930) [Banks and big industry: France, Britain, Germany (1880–1930)]
Jörn Lindner;
Technische Innovation als Schutz vor wirtschaftlichem Niedergang? Die Entwicklung der Rickmers Werft von 1945 bis zum Ende der 1960er Jahre. (Technical innovation as protection against economic decline? The Development of Rickmers Werft from 1945 to the End of the 1960s)
Christian Ebhardt;
Vom holistischen Bauprinzip zur modernen Montageindustrie? Produktionssysteme im Schiffbau und der «Wandel der Arbeit» bei der Bremer Vulkan AG nach 1945. (From holistic construction principle to modern assembly industry? Production Systems in Shipbuilding and the "Transformation of Work" at Bremer Vulkan AG after 1945)
Philipp Müller;
Universalitätsansprüche – Verbandsvertreter in der deutsch-französischen Wirtschaftsdiplomatie der 20er und frühen 30er Jahre (Universality claims – Representatives of business associations in Franco-German economic diplomacy of the 20s and early 30s)
Marco Leonardi;
Aqua curanda est. Le acque e il loro utilizzo nei territori di Friburgo in Brisgovia e Catania dal XIII al XVI secolo
Martina Fuchs;
Martin Schalljo;
Global Encounters Challenge Western Rationality Assumptions
Catherine Schenk;
(Spring 2017)
Rogue Trading at Lloyds Bank International, 1974: Operational Risk in Volatile Markets
Shennette Garrett-Scott;
Banking on Freedom: Black Women in U.S. Finance before the New Deal
Christopher W. Shaw;
Money, power, and the people: the American struggle to make banking democratic
Kim Myungsoo;
Korea’s Hansung Bank and the Daiichi Bank: The Path from the West through Japan
Kimura Masato;
Shibusawa Eiichi and the Transfer of Western Banking to Japan
Bernardo Batiz-Lazo;
Gustavo A. Del Angel;
(Autumn 2018)
The Ascent of Plastic Money: International Adoption of the Bank Credit Card, 1950–1975
Laurence B. Mussio;
Whom Fortune Favours: The Bank of Montreal and the Rise of North American Finance: Volume I. A dominion of capital, 1817-1945 -- Volume II. Territories of transformation, 1946-2017
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