Bertolini, Manuel (Author)
Since his youth, Federico Borromeo had shown an ardent desire for knowledge that drove him to delve into a broad variety of disciplines, which included Pythagoreanism. This corpus of teachings became vital in early modernity, due to the debate over heliocentrism, but also on account of its intersection with the occult arts. This note presents the main aspects of "De pythagoricis numeris," one of the three published works of the archbishop of Milan focusing on Pythagoras and his school, which has been generally overlooked in historiography.
Francesco Beretta;
Une deuxième abjuration de Galilée ou l'inaltérable hiérarchie des disciplines
Luigi Guerrini;
Momenti poco noti del dibattito intorno al "Dialogo dei massimi sistemi del mondo"
Joost-Gaugier, Christiane L.;
Pythagoras and Renaissance Europe: Finding Heaven
Natacha Fabbri;
Federica Favino;
Copernicus Banned: The Entangled Matter of the anti-Copernican Decree of 1616
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Threats to the Christian Cosmos. The Reckless Assault on the Heavens and the Debate over Hell
Stéphane Garcia;
L'image de Galilée ou la trajectoire symbolique du portrait de 1635
Michel-Pierre Lerner;
De Copernic à Galilée: brève histoire d'une condamnation
Book Bruno Centrone; Vita in comune: Il pitagorismo nel mondo antico (/isis/citation/CBB012653140/)
Federica Favino;
Alchemical Implication of 1616 Affaire. On the Parish Priest Attavanti, the Knight Ridolfi and the Cardinal Orsini
Giovanni Pizzorusso;
Francesco Ingoli: Knowledge and Curial Service in 17th-century Rome
Édouard Mehl;
Kepler’s Second Copernican Campaign. The Search for an Annual Stellar Parallax after the Roman Decree (1616)
Franco Motta;
Nature, Faith and the Judge of Faith. Some Considerations on the Historical-Political Context of Copernicus’ Condemnation
Francesco Beretta;
Rilettura di un documento celebre : redazione e diffusione della sentenza e abiura di Galileo
Stuckrad, Kocku von;
Locations of Knowledge in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Esoteric Discourse and Western Identities
Manuel Bertolini;
Numeri e alterità. L'eco di Pitagora nella Taumatologia di Giovan Battista Della Porta
Finocchiaro, Maurice A;
Defending Copernicus and Galileo: Critical Reasoning in the Two Affairs
Salvatore Ricciardo;
The «greate Star-gazer Galileo» in mid-seventeenth-century England: the case of Robert Boyle
Joseph Zepeda;
Galileo’s Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina: Genre, Coherence, and the Structure of Dispute
Anna De Pace;
Galileo lettore di Copernico
Roberto Bondí;
Dangerous Ideas: Telesio, Campanella and Galileo
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