Article ID: CBB299147403

Introduction: Historical Archaeology and the Mediterranean (2023)


Russell Palmer (Author)
Michael Given (Author)

Historical Archaeology
Volume: 57
Issue: 4
Pages: 1097-1109

Publication Date: 2023
Edition Details: Special issue: Historical Archaeology and the Mediterranean
Language: English

Associated with

Article Michael Given (2023) Static Archetypes and Mobile Mountains: Upland Landscapes in the Historical Mediterranean. Historical Archaeology (pp. 1124-1139). unapi

Article Marco Milanese (2023) Practicing and Publishing Post-1500 Mediterranean Archaeology in Italy, Spain, and France. Historical Archaeology (pp. 1110-1123). unapi

Article Benjamin Adam Saidel (2023) The Archaeology of the Bedouin: An Assessment from the Negev, Israel. Historical Archaeology (pp. 1140-1161). unapi

Article Timmy Gambin; Mieke Kassulke (2023) Maritimity in Stone: An Archaeology of Early Modern and Modern Ship Graffiti in the Maltese Islands (ca. 1530–1945). Historical Archaeology (pp. 1162-1176). unapi

Article Bethany J. Walker (2023) Imperial Interventions in Daily Life: The Eastern Mediterranean under Early Ottoman Rule. Historical Archaeology (pp. 1177-1194). unapi

Article Russell Palmer (2023) Empire, Crypto-Colonialism, and British Earthenware in the Nineteenth-Century Mediterranean. Historical Archaeology (pp. 1195-1211). unapi

Article Jaume Coll Conesa (2023) Valencian Tin-Glazed Earthenware and Technological Change: A Mediterranean Industry. Historical Archaeology (pp. 1212-1230). unapi

Article Joanita Vroom (2023) “They Were Just Eating to Live”: The Social Archaeology of Ottoman Foodways and Ceramics. Historical Archaeology (pp. 1231-1253). unapi

Article Antonio Fornaciari (2023) Death in the Time of Pandemic: A Tuscan Cholera Cemetery at Benabbio (1855). Historical Archaeology (pp. 1254-1268). unapi

Article Stelios Lekakis (2023) “Here Be Dragons”: Historical and Contemporary Archaeology and Heritage in the Aegean Sea. Historical Archaeology (pp. 1269-1284). unapi

Article Charles E. Orser (2023) The Mediterranean, Braudel, and Historical Archaeology. Historical Archaeology (pp. 1285-1299). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Boisseuil, Didier
Baffioni, Carmela
Coste, Joël
Gaspar, Joaquim Alves
Moyon, Marc
Nicoud, Marilyn
Historical Archaeology
Imago Mundi: A Review of Early Cartography
Micrologus: Nature, Sciences and Medieval Societies
International Journal of Historical Archaeology
The Journal of Transport History
Edizioni Cadmo
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
CNRS Éditions
Franco Angeli
Historical archaeology
Arab/Islamic world, civilization and culture
Excavations (archaeology)
Seydī 'Ali Re'īs
Time Periods
16th century
19th century
Early modern
10th century
11th century
Mediterranean region
Ottoman Empire
Black Sea
Great Britain

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