Article ID: CBB295958606

Reminiscences of an eclectic historian–astronomer (2022)


From astronomy to history of science, astrobiology to astrometry, New Zealand to NASA, the author has enjoyed an eclectic career. Although working for much of his career at the United States Naval Observatory at multiple tasks including classical astrometry, history, and public affairs, his major contributions have been to the history of astronomy, covering periods from the ancient Greeks to the present. He has written on institutional history and the history of ideas, including astrobiology, cosmic evolution, discovery and classification, and the societal impact of astronomy. He has originated or advanced the concepts of cosmotheology, the biological Universe, the postbiological Universe, and the Three Kingdom (3K) system of classification in astronomy. He has argued that the philosophy of astronomy needs to be developed as a coherent discipline, one that could enrich the history of astronomy and astronomy itself. As Chief Historian of NASA he focused on the societal impact of space exploration, and the importance of exploration to society. For better or worse his contributions have been chiefly in the realm of ideas rather than data.

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Authors & Contributors
Luzzini, Francesco
Bird, Alexander
Dick, Steven J.
Fortino, Mirella
Gale, George
Grattan-Guinness, Ivor
Revue d'Histoire des Sciences
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
Il Protagora: Rivista di Filosofia e Cultura fondata da Bruno Widmar
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
Princeton University Press
Cambridge University Press
Penguin Press
Historians of science, modern
Philosophers of science, modern
Philosophy of science
Duhem, Pierre
Kuhn, Thomas S.
Popper, Karl Raimund
Burtt, Edwin Arthur
Canguilhem, Georges
Cournot, Antoine Augustin
Time Periods
20th century
21st century
19th century
20th century, late
United States
Universiteit Leiden
United States Naval Observatory
Rijksuniversiteit te Groningen
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
University of Missouri-Kansas City

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